this ship is sinking.. anyone got a life raft?

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: hopeless
these are my debts: Mastercard- 1,242.66 Phone- 511.28 Hydro- 300.00 Water- 35.08 Rent- 550.00 Car Insurance- 92.00 I am in deep shit, and I'm sinking. Chris got fired on monday. hoorah. i haven't been getting any calls from anywhere i have applied to. hoorah. rogers wireless is cancelling my account on feb. 10th, and sending it to a collection agency, and i will have bad credit for seven years and still have to pay them back. hoorah. mastercard is cancelling my card and sending it to a collection agency, and i will have bad credit for seven years and still have to pay them back. hoorah. hydro is going to shut off my service if i do not pay them on february 2nd. hoorah. my landlord is going to kick me out if i do not pay him before the end of the month. hoorah. my car is a piece of shit and is getting fixed for yet another hundred dollars. hoorah. kill me now please. i am filing for bankruptcy. at least then the bills will go away, even though i'll have bad credit for seven years, but that will happen in the next two months anyways. so lets get rid of some bills, right? someone have a gun? anyone? anyone at all? the one, the only, laura michelle*
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hey, lets move to the country! cuz I dont know how much longer I'm going to be here you have a phone and you never called me!?!?! what is this? lol you know I would help you out in any way I could.

peace & love
