it smells like burning

Listening to: humming of the comp
Feeling: alright
well, chris is burning plastic things behind me. today was odd. my friend jess was crying and wouldn't tell me why, but i hugged her and sat with her for awhile until she was kind of okay. nat is stil a.w.o.l. and everyone's worried. i painted my toes. pink. woot for pink. we had an extended lunch today, which was boring. i finished these survey things i had to do for trans class, and am in the process of making charts. go me!! but i still have to finish my biography tonight, but it's mostly done. in lit we watched the rest of apocolypse now, and then we discussed what the movie meant and such. there is choir tomorrow! which is good because i like choir a lot at the moment. also at lunch today i hung out with amanda and alanna. i forgot how much fun amanda is. she's such a hip cat with the clothes now. i envy her hair, it's very nice with her bangs coming down across her face. i miss my bangs when they were like that. i need to get my hair cut. it smells like burning! rawr! lol. what a silly little one my boyfriend is. i have a white tiger in my lap, that chris got in las vegas. it's cute. his name is sigfield, not seigfrid or whatever his name is. lol. yeah. all in all, today was an okay day. not as good as i wished it had been, but not as bad as it could have turned out. so now i am in my christopher's basement, my feet are cold cause i'm not wearing socks, and i'm kinda thirsty. ooh, does anyone remember that nineties song 'how bizzare'? lol. oh the nineties... back in the day when we were all young and silly. the one, the only, laura michelle*
Read 6 comments
Yeeah, whats up with Nat these days.
And where am I on your friends list?!

yay burning.
SO he's allowed home eh? thats exciting I suppose. Hope all is well!
Love ya: Laura
yay burning.
SO he's allowed home eh? thats exciting I suppose. Hope all is well!
Love ya: Laura
Hell yeah i remember that song! wooo for youngness! I heard somewhere that they're brining out another song but shhhhh! dont let the young kids know incase they steal our generation's memories!!!
i made sure this diary thing didn't distract you anymore at school