the lowest of the low

Listening to: sounds of the library
Feeling: fantastic
apparently i've lowered myself to levels unimaginable. go me! well, all i can say is i'm happy now, not because of the drugs, but because i've realized that nothing matters and everything is quite meaningless. and does it even say in the bible that you can't smoke pot? i don't even know. oh well. oh! i'm hanging out with friends today, whom i haven't seen in ages. yay! i'd forgotten how much fun people are (and no laura, we're not going to be smoking pot, so don't worry.) but yeah, i don't really care what people have to say because opinions change, judging people is pointless, and why get stressed if you don't really have anything to do with them anymore? i'm so happy, i haven't been happy in so long, months actually, and now i just feel fantastic (no, i'm not high right now, ha) besides, the whole getting high thing was just because i was hanging out with people whom i hadn't seen in forever and they're these giant potheads, and i really don't want to do that because it makes you stupid and you forget stuff, so i'm not doing it anymore because my friend was only visiting for a week and a half. so yeah, i'm fine right now. i'm happy, have no worries, have money, and plans with friends today. oh, happy festivus everyone, gather around that wonderful pole. the one, the only, laura michelle*
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I could leave you alone. I could say nothing, this is true. But if saying something means I care, then thats that. I care. I don't know if smoking pot is not aloud in the bible, I'm not that christian myself, but there are thing you know you shouldn't do, if not for God, then for yourself. For your self-respect and morals. I care Laura, thats why I say things that may hurt but are the truth.