
Listening to: nothing
Feeling: torn
so, i was working the am shift sunday morning, and what happens? i go out for a smoke, and poor mike gets robbed. i saw the whole thing, cause i was eight feet away from the kiosk. jesus! the guy had a switchblade. we were so freaked out afterwards. he got $213. why would he take a toonie and a loonie? bus fare? but yeah. the cops came right away, and there were 8 cruisers in the area looking for the bastard. he was a young guy too, only about 17 years old. what possesses people to rob domo? easy money? i guess so. but anyways, mike and i got to go home around nine thirty, an hour and a half after it happened. so i slept practically all of yesterday. it's 835 am monday morning, and i can't sleep. NEVER WORK AT DOMO!!! it's too dangerous. funny though, mike posted his two weeks notice not even ten minutes before it happened. yeah, i'm quitting too. 11 more days, and no more domo! anywho, i have nothing more to say. the one, the only, laura michelle*
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