bored, bored, bored

Listening to: sounds of the library
Feeling: bored
I'm here in the library, working on English stuff, and bored out of my tree. Talking to Nat on MSN, but still quite bored. *sigh* I could go home, but my computer crashed so I have to use the one here. Arg, that's all I can really say. I was thinking about life for a minute, and came to the conclusion that it's not a thing you have much control over. there's so much that can screw up, and there are so many people that influence the course of it. I mean, if I was really in control I would have been long gone from this snowy city in the middle of nowhere, but I'm not actually in control now am I? No, I suppose not. There's nothing to do here either, which is really sad and makes a lot of people stir crazy- me included. But anywho, I'm done my English stuff, so I think I'm going to brave the cold for a cigarette and a short walk home. Ta ta. The one, the only, Laura Michelle*
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save me a smoke you...little pumpkin!
HA, on crack!