life is like a big bag of shit

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: emotionless
so i have no where to live. my mother kicked me out last night at eleven thirty (we got into a fight about.... CAKE) and i walked around for two hours. i was talking to chris on a payphone for a while, and then i got cold so i decided to walk back to the apartment. my dad found me walking down kimberly. my mother is a psycho. she went to hit me, and told me that i'm worthless, and blah blah blah. i don't care. i'm so blase right now. life is shit. oh, and then chris tells me that ross's ex girlfriend hollie called him last night and asked him if he was interested in sleeping with her. what a slut. that was three hours after i went to tim hortons by my dad's house and said hi to her. who hits on another girl's boyfriend? but it's fine, he told me that he would never do anything to hurt me. i don't even know what to say right now. laura sharp, go fuck yourself. mum, go die. chris, i love you. nattie, you never answered the phone last night and i got your answering machine, lol. alanna, rawr, you smell like feet. God, kiss my lily white ass because you've never done a thing for me. blah blah blah. rant rant rant. the one, the homeless, laura michelle* p.s. can i go live with paul mccartney? and so it's 1125am, and i left my english trans class because there's only nine people there, and mr. finockio is not there either. well, i just came to the conclusion that people are fucked, and that there's nothing you can do about it but laugh at the situation. i think i am too stressed to think about this rationally anyways. irrational thoughts are always amusing. oh, so i had a dream last night and it had to do with hollie. it's pretty amusing, because we got into a fight in my dream about her stealing my shoes. and then she started hitting on chris, and i punched her in the face and then i kept on stomping her face into the carpet, and then chris told me to stop and i went upstairs, and then i was banging on the floor, and he told me that he couldn't be with me anymore because hollie was pregnant with his kid. well, all of these things make sense, although not all together. i mean, the banging was because i was banging on my wall before i went to bed, the shoes were because my step mum bought these shoes that i wanted, the hollie thing was because chris told me about her trying to sleep with him, and the pregnant thing.. well. i don't know. i'm still sick, and i can hardly hear because i think i have an ear infection. disease for all of you! i have a whack of homework to do, especially in english lit.. well actually in all three of my english classes. i wish it was thursday, because there is no school tomorrow or on friday. if it was thursday i'd be at home sleeping, or talking to my christopher. or sleeping in the same bed as him, and he'd elbow me in the head like before. and then he'd start to snore and i'd kick him. yeah, we have a system... go us. i didn't even wash my hair this morning. i feel so... dirty and such. but whatever, what can you do when you wake up at eight and have to leave by eight fifteen? nothing really. throw on some clothes and book it to school, which you don't really want to do but are forced to. ha, i just remembered something really funny. anywho, i have nothing else to write. except that people make me laugh with their stupidity and their retarded ways of acting. thinking they're so smart with their ways... oh the little satan... hey nattie? go foamy! the one, the only, laura michelle* p.s. i hate you, you hate me, we're a psycho family. with a gun to the face and a knife to the throat, you really do look like a goat... and that is my little barney song for the world, although i changed the words. wouldn't that be funny if those were the real words though? i'm tired. go die world. well, not the entire world, there are just a few select people i could do without. okay, it's 15 to 12, and i have decided something. i don't give a shit about this. people are so selfish and stuff that it makes me SICK. i'm dead to you, you're dead to me. that's it, that's all. so, i am sitting here in the library still, and i've come to realize that nothing makes sense, nothing will ever make any sense, so we should all quit trying. life is meant to be screwed up, people are meant to fall from grace (for there really is nothing graceful about being human), we're all meant to be retarded and inconsiderate, so why should it bother any of us? there's nothing you can do to change people, to make them see things from your point of view, you can't explain the way you're feeling to someone, because they won't understand it the same way that you mean. there's nothing we can do to get people to see through their fog of selfishness, so why do we bother? we should all just accept that people suck, and that we ourselves suck, and that it's okay to be a sucky person, because society sucks. there, i think i am through for the day, and i am actually in quite a good mood. see what realizations can do to you? the one, the only, laura michelle*
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yes i agree ppl do suck and the world sucks and sometimes we suck, but all we can do is suck it up and do what we can with it.
yay! for foamy. sry i didnt answer the phone. i will answer late calls form now on! lol. heh. love ya nattie
Whoa. How could you even write the first part of your entry if you were homeless.

people will always however, life changes. The clouds will drift away for you soon Laura...just trust me on that one, if you're open to it, it will happen. A change of environment helps too. Much love. Hang in there.