time is slow

Feeling: headachy
arg. headache. so i didn't end up going to my dad's today, cause he has a sore back. lol. nat's taking pictures of her kitties. she has a headache too, must be because of yesterday. aww. i forgot to call chris! oh well. i'll call him when i get home from the party. ha, party. so the wrong name for it. when i think of partying... i think of someone's house, lotsa booze, music, and dancing. not some formal thing where we have to buy dinner! oh well, it's her 18th, it's nice. but for my 18th, i am so going to the bar and just going to PARTY not a little nice formal get together thing with people i don't even know. then nat turns 18 a few days after that, and we'll party it up too. not nice little dinners, no way.. hammered drunk seriously, just hammered. i hate going to parties where no one is really my friend, it's odd. but at least joel and them will be there, that way i'll have someone to talk to. lol. nat just got all offended because i said i'm ditching her on my birthday because she won't be 18. hahaha. but then when she turns 18 two weeks after me, i'll know the good places to go. lol. ta ta world. the one, the only, laura michelle*
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