3 days off

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: eh
so i have three days off work. damn right. let's see... i worked wednesday 2-10, the midnight shift right after 10-6, thursday 2-10, friday 2-10, as well as saturday 2-10, and five hours of saturday by myself. all i can say is we better have won that freakin contest. shopping! well, at least the overtime pay is going to be sweet. i have three days off! wow, i just realized that i have no life. 3 days to myself, and no one to hang out with. chris left for work a half hour ago. know what i'm doing? having a smoke and doing laundry. i'm supposed to go see my mum today, but my entire body hurts. i've never run so much for so long in my whole life. i was just all out givin-er. hectic. it was so busy on wednesday too. damn coupons. so what new pussycats? nattie, i gave spongie my work number on friday night, but you never called me! bastardo! jk. i was just hoping we'd hang out today if you were in the city. but i guess you're not. i wonder if sharpie is at work? mrah. i'm so lonely! i miss you people! anyways, my life has just been work and sleep, so i have nothing to really write about. the one, the only, laura michelle*
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Hey, I'm going to the city to see the Saw 2. I'm going Saturday night. Maybe we can do something after or you could come and see it too.