my thoughts

Listening to: chris watching tv
Feeling: torn
is it some how cool to leave anonymous irritating notes on people's journals? it's like making a crank phone call where you say something uber lame such as "is your refridgerator running?" i, for one, do not see the point in making a journal just so you can slag someone off. also, when you don't leave a name, how am i going to take your lame comments seriously? i only give serious thought to what my friends say to me on here, not some anon person. the only reason why i am writing about this is to get some feedback from others. also, has anyone ever thought of writing to the moderator about being able to block people? i mean, that would work so much better than "friends only". feel free to give your thoughts on the anonymous/ lame ass journal making folkies on this site. anywho, onto much happier thoughts. i am at chris's, as per usual, and i had my job interview at three pm. i don't know if i'm going to get the job. it doesn't really matter because i can stay with my mum as long as i want to, and she said that she'd rather me focus on school. yeah, school... well, half the people i know are dropping out. me, i have three classes, and it's not going too well. but hell, what can you do when you don't feel like doing anything anymore? all i feel like doing is sleeping, even a half hour ago i was lying on the floor here curled up under a blanket. but yeah, i have nothing else to say right now. the one, the only, laura michelle*
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maybe if you went to class you would do fine or maybe even have graduated

but as it stands you won't do either
People are stupid whores.

Make a livejournal. I'm SO on there. Whoo.

And for people to put comments on here, and not say it to you in real life, is really pussy, gay, retarded, demented, crack-whoreish, and the list goes on.


They are obviously too scared to tell you, dumb bitches.

Love you, Alanna.