survey i got from liz's journal

Feeling: happy
1.What Time is it now? 1124 am 2.What is your full name? Laura Michelle Hastings 3.Single or taken? taken 4.What does your name mean? of the laurel (a tree, lol) 5.Who picked out your name? my mum 6.What's your nickname? sweetheart, laur laur, lolly, boo boo, duckie, rumpy, etc 7.How old are you? 17.5 8.What colour are your eyes? brown 9.Do you have an innie or an outie? Innie 10.What size are your shoes? 10, or 11 sometimes 12.How tall (or short) are you? 5'5 13.Honestly what do you like about yourself? my eyes, my lips 14.What do you always get complimented on? joel says i have good style, chris says i have really pretty eyes, and i don't know what else 15.What is your worst quality? procrastination, annoyance, whining 16.What are the last four digits of your phone Number? 3531 17.Do you think you're cute? some what 18.Hair colour? brownish i guess 19.Do you wear contacts? nope 20.Living Arrangements? living with my mum, but i'm moving out at the end of june! woot! ~*FAVOURITES*~ 21.Favourite Drink? hot chocolate 22.Favourite alcholic Drink? vodka and coke, and smirnoff ice raspberry 23.Favourite Month? august 24.Favourite Food? cheese, mmm... 25.Favourite Board Game? sequence 26.Favourite Web Site? and foamy the squirrel's website 27.Favourite Clothing Brand? dunno 28.Favourite day of the Year? st. paddy's day 29.Favourite colour? pink and green 30.favourite animal? kittens ~*FAMILY AND FRIENDS*~ 31.Do you have more girl or boy friends? girls 32.Who's your bestfriend (only one)? nathalie mireault 33.Are your parents together? nope 34.How often do you get together with the family? my dad and them, every 2nd saturday, my bro's and sis? never really 35.Do you tell your parents or your friends more? friends, obviously 36.Anything thing special about your parents? not really 37.Siblings and their ages? amy- 20, mike- 23, chris- 25, andrew- 27 ~*YES OR NO*~ 38.You're a flirt? sometimes 39.You're slutty? heck no 40.You Mean? a lot of the time unfortunately 41.You like someone? yeah, my boyfriend 42.You can keep secrets? i like to think so 43.You dance in front of the mirror? all the time 44.You've watched a porno? lol, yeah. wasn't that hilarious nattie? 45.You sing in the shower? most of the time 46.You liked Britney Spears? when i was ten i had her single, but now it is a coaster on my computer desk 47.You've liked a cousin? no, but he liked me. ick! 48.You've been in the opposite sexes bathroom? yeah, to put up posters and to go pee when i was at the red river ex 49.You've seriously hurt someone? i sacked chris once by accident 50.You've been hurt seriously?more than i can count 51.You swear? more than i should 52.You get your way? all i gotta do is give the puppy dog look 53.You're willing to try new things? sure why not, you only live once 54.You've cheated on a test? sure have 55.You've smoked? still do 56.Are you a virgin? no ~*RIGHT NOW*~ 57.What are you wearing? nattie's pink hello kitty shirt, my black tank top, jeans, shoes, pooh bear socks, and chris's dress shirt 58.What colour are your pants? blue jeans 59.What are you listening to? ub 40 60.How are you feeling? lonely 61.What are you doing? waiting for third to end by passing the time doing this thing 62.What are you eating? nothing 63.How many people are online? dunno, not online 64.How's the weather? brr, that's all i have to say 65.What's on your mouse pad? there isn't one 66.What books are you reading? nothing right now ~*GIRLS ONLY*~ 67.How many lip glosses do you have? more than i can count 68.What perfume do you use? actually, i wear chris's cologne 69.What's in your purse? smokes, journal, pen, lip gloss, cds, mascara, and a tupperware container with food in it 70.Thong or regular panties? i ahte the word panties! but both, depends what mood i'm in 71.Tall or short boys? taller than me, doesn't have to be by much 72.Blonde or brunette guys? neither, black or red 73.Good or bad boy? mix of both 74.Boxers showing? no, that's so nineties, with the pants down to their knees, ugh! 75.Long hair or short hair on boys? short hair 76.What do you find annoying in a guy? when they play games with your head 77.What's the first thing you notice about guys? smile ~*OTHER QUESTIONS*~ 78.What was the last movie you saw? sponge bob the movie 79.What did you have for dinner? last night, um... potatoes, peas, and some meat i don't even know what the hell it was, lol 80.What are you hoping for? lunch to come sooner 81.Have you ever fallen asleep in school? yep 82.What movie do you really want to see? i don't even know 83.Tell us about those scars? some from my cat on my chest, one on my leg from falling on a rock, dunno what other ones i have 84.What is your locker combo? ha, i don't think so 85.Where is your favourite place to travel? rushing river ontario, it's so pretty there 86.What did you last dream about? can't remember 87.What was the last thing you ate? a chicken sandwich chris forced on me 88. If you were a crayon what colour would you be? green 89.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? chris 90.Do you like the person that sent this to you? yeah, i love lizard! even tho i took it off her journal, she didn't send it, lol 91.Last movie you watched? armageddon 92.Ever had a crush on a teacher? heck no! 93.Are you too shy to ask someone out? it depends 94.Scary movies or happy ending? i like em both 95.Summer or winter? summer time! 96.Relationships or one night stands? relationships 97.Chocolate or Vanilla? either or, doesn't matter 98.Do you want your friends to write back? write away people! 99.Who is most likely to respond? dunno really 100.Who is least likely to respond? meh? 101.What did you do last night? had dinner at chris's and attacked him during a tickle fight 102.Anything else you want to add? not really 103.What time is it now? 1143 am jesus, i doubt anyone will even read this cause it's so fricken long! the one, the only, laura michelle*
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hey girly its lizzard, i read it cuz im bored made some time go by, thats ok u took it off my entry did u read mine?
i missed u in math class we didnt do much like usual but oh well im back there next year blah bye girly