
Listening to: 103.1
Feeling: placid
Gosh, we are going to have a repeat of Premiere night. We are going to totally suck. This year isn't that fun right now. I'm really not enjoying myself. The drill is all screwed up. The work is all screwed up!. everything, is just SCREWED UP! mann, then when we do do drill and have nothing else, we stand there like we are statues.. so I asked Sarah to make up some dance with me tomorrow to put there.. something thats not too hard, that everyone can learn tomorrow... and isn't too tacky. Since, we have a competition this saturday. and dont even know the right drill.. and just has filler drill for now! gosh! Its sooooo freakin gay! Mann, this is so fustrating. :( ♥ ♥ ♥
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look at this picture.
what do you see here?
i see a i can guard.
this is proof that instructor or not,
we can make it.