funn funn

Listening to: 103.1
Feeling: amazing
Alright.. Today was totally awesome. I love it.. I think im startin to crush big on someone.. :o.. which is bad.. well not really.. but just in the worst timing ever! cuz i leave for jersey in 6 days for bout 3 weeks! :o( but thats ok. :o.. i guess... but yea! ack !so much funn! ok first went to church with Don and Tabby.. then Don dropped us off at Juno Peir.. then me and tabby saw my friend doug and started talkin to him.. then called veroncia and told us megan was having a b-day party... so tabby wanted to crash it.. so we started walking from the Juno Peir.. all the way to Carlin Park.. wow what a big mistake.. RRRREEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL far! I felt like i was in a desert in the middle of no where walking in blazing heat! and i started seeing stuff! I saw this guy in this truck that was parked.. starring at us.. and we got closer.. and so close you can see perfectly.. and there was no one in there.. at all..! so then we had been walking for 45 min.. and we reach the Yacht club which is basically carlin.. so then we got a ride from jimmy rest of way.. then megan got mad that we came.. haha.. only cuz people came to say hi to us... and yea cuz i think she totally dispises Tabby.. from that fight.. but anyways.. it was fun.. but. ::yawn:: i'll finish someother time. bye! ~Nicole.
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