Listening to: Yanni...
Feeling: mopey
lol.. well i am just like extremely... BLAH! today.. lol well actually right now.. lol ;ast night i had a dream bout Freddy Cougar.. and that he was killing everyone i knew.. and i dunno.. it as strange. i sure you dont wanna hear bout it.. lol and then i woke up and fell back asleep and i dreamt that there was this T-rex chasin our pick-up truck.. and me and jenn and kaiann were in the back and i had my pearl harbor piano book.. and i was throwing songs at the dinosaur and i threw the song I Will Come Back.. and i was like thats a really sad one tho.. and then the dino startin singing! lol it was strange.. a singing T-rex.. and if we didnt throw 'em a song then he would eat us!!!! lol thats pretty hilarious! lol.. wel all i did today was pull weeds.. me and my mom cleaned the weeds up around our banana trees.. lemon tree.. orange tree.. and grapefruit tree.. lol just now gotta get the rest of them cleaned up.. lol fun fun! and then i went swimming fun fun! and washed my mommies car! lol... well bye byez
Read 4 comments
Nicole!! You never did copy that music for me. Heh heh. I know.. Heh heh.
First of all, I love Yanni. Yanni is the greatest classical musician alive. Second, that dream if pretty freaky because Freddy is the haunter of dreams. Because he's not real he only gets people in their sleep (so says the movie.) I would wake up swweating if I had a dream like that but since I'm and insomniac I really don't have many dreams. I sleep only a few hours per week. Well, it was nice responding to your entry. Bye
that is one FREAKY dream. CRAAAZY stuff! oh and happy LATE 4th of July- Hope you had an awesome one. -chad
im not good at being positive. i always liked being negative. ill try though.