summer... so far..

Listening to: Lion King.. hah!
Feeling: awful
Summer so far... its been pretty good.. since schools got out.. i havent gone one day from seein Tabby.. im at her house right now. grrarr shes so annoying... i mean. i cant stand her anymore!! lol. jp.. shes cool. im surprised we arent sick of each other yet.. I go to jersey soon. in 13 days! yay. im so excited.. but scared. i dont feel like i ever lived in Jersey.. it feels as if that part was all just a dream.. that keeps haunting me.. its so weird how time flys by.. and nothing seems to fit in where it used to.. I miss the old days.. but then im glad i am where i am now. its just all confusing.. still.. after a year and 2 1/2 months living here. Kassies party was completely outta this world. lol. i had a blast. we went to a hotel and ran around and shit like that. we played this game where you had to get something interesting from each floor. and there were two teams of three.. and 3 other people were judges.. and there were 9 floors. lmao. it was the funniest. me, barbara, and jordan on the 2nd floor went into the guys bathroom and got a urinal thing for the guy potty things with the soap thing in it.. and ew. it was disgusting but the most hilarious thing ever! jordan was holding it.. and we were running down the hall from this security person.. and jordan stuffed it rolled up in paper towels under her shirt and shes running and shes like eww!! its dripping on me! its like some random old guy peeing on me!! haha! it was the funniest thing in my life! you just had to be there!! then later that night me tabby, barbara, and Kassie were in the lobby on the 2nd floor on the couches just talkin.. and somehow the subject of Orgasms came up! haha.. enough said. it was funniest ever!!!!!! and a lot more to the party.. but im too lazy to write it all... I finished my drug and alcohol course.. so now im ready to go to the DMV to get my permit. just when ever i get around to it. hopefully in the next few days... ergghhh! My eye!! My eye is all swollen!! I think its from my contacts.. from leaving them in over night. i know its a bad habit to start. but i started it anyways!! ::BAD NICOLE!:: :'( and i dont like it.. its been like this ever since 6:30 this morning when i woke up! and i hate it! my friend tabby and her family went to dinner.. and i got dragged along. and we went to chilis.. and people were starring at me.. i think they thought i got punched or just had a mest up eye. :-.. it was so embarrasing!! ack i really hope my eye gets better in the next 6 hours.. but by then it will be 8 o'clock.. and me and tabby will prolly be gettin ready to go to the beach.. or on a boat.. or sumething fun like that.. heh. grr i wanna kill it.. I am getting a live journal.. so i m me if ya wanna know my journal name there. sc/m.. babychick5789... how ironic!! ♥~love always♥ Nicole!
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