
Feeling: depressed
Suicidal as a mother fucker. So badly wanna slash my wrists and end it all. Tired of goin on living like this everyday My mom is such a cheap fuckin whore!!!!!!!!!! Gawd she's been such a bitch. Her job comes before her family. All i asked was that she pick up my Calculator and History book from high skool and the bitch won't so I have to walk up there and get it myself. Fuckin slut! Pissed me off so bad that while she was in the store i walked home. Fuck her!!!!!!! Man one of these days I am just gonna leave and keep walkin. Will Run away from home eventually. Don't want to be here. Don't kno where I'd go.....Don't have any place anymore since Scott and I don't talk. Oh well......... Life sux man. I am soooooooo done with everything. Went to go get my webcam today and they were out Ugh....Meijers chokes. oooooooo Then liek Bob was beggin me to call him at the office and I did and liek yeah he was bangin his cock against the phone and I'm like OMFG! lol....Yeah so he cummed on the phone. Think we're meetin up tomorrow night. Not sure yet. He's a reallii nice guy.......just weird....lol.....I wish he'd take an interest in me tho. It seems like all he wants is satisfaction. I wonder if he even remembers what my real name is. Sad eh? But eh oh well.....I get paid to keep him happy not to bitch Well Psycho will be home soon so yeah gonna end this entry now.... BlEEdInG eLmO
Read 2 comments
hey love your journal and the musics cool too
'cept for the pop ups(they're a bitch)
anwyay be "happy"
hey =)