[*99*] Obsession. Closure. Related? (Throwback!)

[Throwback: April 28th, 2008.]

friend: “wow, you’re obsessed!”
me: “... don’t you know me? i obsess very easily!”


it can take ONE moment for me to let something occupy every fiber of my being.
someone’s smile can stick with me the whole day,
while a teacher’s bitter words can leave my poisoned for hours.
it’s a vicious cycle, i tell you. and it happens often! D:

i think that i just always have to have some sort of obsession.
it keeps me focused, even if that one aspect of focus is tearing my concentration away from other “more important” things, like school. lolz.
but besides the procrastination, i don’t think that such obsessing is such a problem for me.

as my friends say, “thank god, rini, that you’re not a stalker!”
“or a rapist!”
“or a pedophile!”
LMAO. i get what you mean.

i’m analytical, and analyzing takes a lot of review, review, review.
and i’m also pretty insecure.
i must know who that smiling stranger is on the street. or at least try.
i must say good night to everyone before they sign off.
i must not have any regrets...

closure is a big thing for me.
i don’t really know what’s brought it upon me, because i’ve never really felt that way before…
it pretty much all started with the new year of 2008. :/

in a way, it’s motivation.
take a risk, say hello, say goodbye,
because what will happen if you don’t?
and then there’s the other direction,
when the obsession comes because you don’t want to leave whatever you’re obsessing about behind.

i apologize if i’m not making sense.
i’m writing this after a long day of being HIGH on cloud TEN,
and it is currently 12 midnight.


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