[*51*] GroupHug.us

Feeling: contemplative
Just submitted my confession. Figured writing about it a little more wouldn't hurt. Maybe it'll help a little more to get everything off my chest. This is an epic confession. Spanning from when I was little, maybe 6-7 years old, to this very moment. And now it's out there, on the web. Somewhere. It's a strange feeling, but I'm used to it now. I do it often, offering up a lot of parts of myself, looking for someone to accept it and take me as I am. I don't think anyone really, truly does. Yet. Today will be a good but busy day. There's snow outside, and I've got amazing music from Coldplay. I just fell in love with their first album Parachutes; I've been missing out by not falling in love with it before! But I'm also sick. Coughing up and blowing out phlegm like a mother-. Blegh. Trying to do my Chem lab on molecular geometry now, so that I can go to play practice for The Wiz at school (I'm the background keyboardist :D) at noon, back at 3, and then working on cramming my music project. I was planning on trying to create a "documentary" on Coldplay, but if I can't make the video that well, I'll have to stick to doing a PowerPoint like everyone else. But I never liked being typical. Never have and never will. C ya, (I miss this signature) Rini <3
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