Quick update (for once)

So I figured it's about time to make a quick update in this journal...seeing how as I haven't done that in quite some time. I only have like 10 minutes left on the computer at the library so I better make it fast! My birthday was this last weekend on the 4th. It was probably one of the better birthdays I've had in a long ass time! Basically I was busy the ENTIRE weekend...which I loved. The schedule went as follows: Saturday~ worked until 3, went to go see the Dead Sea Scrolls (which was pretty freakin cool actually) then came home and partied until like 2 or 3 in the morning. Sunday~ woke up at 8am so I could get to an anime convention by 10am so I could meet one of my favorite voice actors and pretty mush devote an entire day to anime. The convention was the shit as I got to meet Steve Blum (who has MANY alias') aka: 'Spike' from Bebop, 'Onizuko' from GTO, 'Mugen' from Samurai Champloo, 'Vincent' from Advent Children/Dirge of Cerebus...and the list goes ON AND ON. That made my day, though. Then after the convention ended at 5pm I headed back to the house so I could party...yet again! Then Monday my Mom and I hung out...she gave me $100 bucks (SWEET ^_^) , took me out to eat at the 'Outback' and then we went and saw "The Number 23" (which was actually pretty good in a different kinda way). Regardless my birthday was the shit and I don't know if I could have possibly had more fun (with my limited means, anyway). Other than all that, I'm seriously cracking down on getting another job. I HAVE to make more money ASAP so I can start saving up for school in the Fall. Besides all that...I'm really tired of being piss ass broke all the time. I'm just barely making enough to make all my payments...and that's about it! Which sucks...but hey...I guess that's life, huh? Well I have like 2 minutes left so I think I'm gonna take off! Peace!
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This stupid site won't let me leave comments for anyone for some reason! Soooo....for the record! Thanks for the support people! And Malachi...."hard inquiries" go against your credit. Any time that a lender goes through your report, it leaves an inquiry on your report, and if you do it too much other lender's think that you are trying to spend beyond your means or some shit. It's kinda gay...but you can check your own report anytime and it isn't noted. Of course that costs a good $20-30 depending on where you go. But anyway! Thanks again!
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Well...life's a bitch, but what to do about it? Who knows...I sure as hell don't. I applied for the loan to go to school the other day...apparently my creditials weren't good enough. I would be able to do it if I had a co-signer...but I don't know anyone close enough to me to do that. I wouldn't ask even if I did. I thought about applying for a different loan...but I can guarentee the outcome. So what's the point of doing that, getting denied, and having the inquiry against my credit report? Sooo....right now I'm at a standstill. I absolutely have to get out on my own. I'm fucking 22 years old and haven't a damn thing to show for myself. I want to start my life, goddammit. Everyday I go into work...I hate it and the people more and more. It's so mundane and isn't gratifying whatsoever. There is nothing at my job that makes me happy, anymore. I'm tired of EVERYONE and EVERYTHING...period. Work and at home. I'm bored. I need to run away...find some sort of adventure. I have to make a decision....otherwise I never will. I just hope I can come up with it soon...and maybe it'll turn out alright. Well fuck...yeah...that was a rant. Everyone has to have one every now and again though, right? ^_^ ehhhh...I'm done. Peace guys.
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Hey wassup! I hope this finds all of you in good health! So I accepted to the Vancouver Film School! Hooray! I was actually a bit bewildered, because of my shitty transcript. But I guess my final marks could have made up for it. Hmm...but oh well! I actually have the opportunity to really do this. I am still really nervous though. And kinda weary. I guess that I'm kinda hoping that if I do the opposite of what sounds logical in my mind, it might turn out okay. Cause every other time that I make a "logical" decision...I get shit on. I figure that I'll go on ahead and apply for the loan...but supposedly you should have a cosigner. Which I don't have. But I checked my credit yesterday, and it was surprisingly awesome. I have "excellent" credit with all three bureau's, so hopefully that is enough to convince them to give me a good loan. If I can't do that, then I think I'll still try to move to Canada. Probably take some voice lessions and get my foot in the door a little, and then eventually work my way up. Anyhow, wish me luck! I know I'll need it... ROCKFEST IS TOMORROW!!! From what I hear it actually sold out....so that's alot of fucking people that are going to be there. Last year's had 30,000 people, so this year should have at least 50,000 people. Either way, I'm going to have a kick ass time...even though I will surely get sunburned like a motherfucker. I always do...oh well though! It's the price you pay for a good time and good music! That's it for now! Take it easy guys....peace!
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current events

Hey, everyone...wassup? I see that no one frequents this site much anymore. hmm...oh well. I figured it was about time to write what's been going on again...so I am. The last time I wrote I was still interested in that VFS thing. So since then, I found something else that I want to do...dicked with that for a minute...and realized that it wouldn't work. Not right now anyway. What I wanted to do, and still want to do, is go abroad and teach English as a foreign language. In alot of instances your employer will cover your living expenses, and pay you decent money to teach in their country. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal...although there is one minor stipulation. Most countries require you to have at least a Bachelors degree to even get a work permit. And without a work permit it becomes alot harder to find a job, and if you were able to find one, you would essentially be working illegally. So I've made the decision to buy a car, AGAIN, and then hopefully finally get another job. In the meantime I'll be continuing to room with Michael and Tashia, and bide my time until January comes so I can finally continue my education. I have no idea what I want my Bachelors in...I guess I'll figure that out in the meantime too. We had a pretty cool little party over here last night. Totally unexpected...but cool nonetheless. This girl that I work with named Kat got kicked out of her house so I offered her the option of staying the night at my place. She's going out with one of my friends at work, so he was going to come over and we were going to get drunk and shit. So he comes over, along with my manager (Robby) and a couple of his friends. It was actually pretty cool hangin out and getting drunk with my fellow coworkers. Definately a memorable time.... I got to go to the "Family Values" concert last Thursday. It was pretty fun, although it was freakin hot and throughout most of the concert my exboyfriend was less than 10 feet away from me. I don't know...it's one of those things that doesn't bother you because it shouldn't, but it's more annoying than anything. We got to play some paintball though. Instead of actual paintballs, they replaced them with little rubber balls...so not to leave you messy throughout the event. But that shit kinda hurt! My brother kept on nailing me when I was already out...and I found a nasty welt on my right arm. It bruised up quite nicely, though. Korn was the shit. Davis came out with the bagpipes, eventually acted like it was the end of the show and then came out into the seated area of the audience. We were as close up in the lawn as ou could get so we got got see a good portion of waht was going on. Jonathan Davis was completley surrounded by BIG BLACK BODYGUARDS, though...so you could barely even see him passing by. But when Korn left the audience to get back to the stage, Tashia, Michael and I all got a little hand slap from Fieldy and Hed. That pretty much made my night, although I would have much rather it had been Jonathan Davis. Good times....good times... Well I think I'm done for now. Hope everyone is doing alright, peace guys!
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Moving Forward

Hey, wassup hippies!? Not a whole lot here...same old, same old. I officially applied for that school in Canada the other day. I got a phone call from them a minute ago confirming that my app has been processed, so all I need to do now is send them my transcript and a copy of my I.D. I'm really kinda nervous though! I mean...that's a pretty drastic thing to do...especially for me of all people! But I figure that if I do get accepted than it was one way or another meant to happen...and if I don't...then I guess not. We'll see! ^_^ I finally got rid of my p.o.s. car last Saturday. Sold it to U Wrench It for $200 bucks. That gave me a little extra money anyway...not for long though. Had bills, an unexpected trip to the vet, and the fee for my college application. That put a good dent in my pocket...but oh well... Ehhhh.....I think that's about it for now! Catch up with you all later! Peace out!
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So I've been doing alot of thinking lately. Mainly about what I'm going to do come fall. Our lease for this place runs out in September, everyone's having babies, and there is really not enough room in this 2 bedroom duplex. I'm also 22 w/out a college education, working a crappy fast food job, and I don't have a car either. Not one that runs, anyway. Needless to say, I've been trying to put things in perspective and figure out what the next chapter of my life should be. I really need to go to college and get a career started. But I need to really plan this shit out...cause I don't want to fuck my self over...and end up where I'm at right now. That would suck. Alot. Soooo...so far I have this much figured out. I've taken an interest in voice acting/voice over...and I think that it would be something really fun and rewarding, if I can manage to get a job. I also know that if I go to college, I need to have living arrangements planned. I have to consider ALL expenses. So ANYWAY, this is what I'm going to TRY to do. I'm going to try to go to Vancouver Film School. Yeah...it's in Canada. But the more I think about it the more perfect it sounds...if they accept me, that is. I really want to move out of freakin Missouri;aka "Misery". And really...I'm kind of tired of the U.S. The field I'm going for, was inspired mainly by animes, and the dubbing for these animes was done in none other than...Canada (namely Toronto and Vancouver). The class I want to attend is only for a year as a full-time student...so I don't have to waste a long ass time taking a bunch of classes I don't need to earn a degree. I've looked into student housing and it's a pretty good deal too. Some are for only like US$350 or so, a month...and it's fully furnished and everything. Another great thing...American money is worth more in Canada...so to speak. And I've been reading up on Vancouver and it sounds great. They have all 4 seasons..with a summer that averages about 72 degrees! It's off of the Pacific and there are mountains in the landscape...BEAUTIFUL! Pot is legal, free healthcare, low crime....what else to you need?! I think that about sums it up! Well I still have to apply and see if I get in first...so I'm not going to get too excited yet. I hate being let down! But hey...wish me luck, eh?! Peace homies!
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SHROOMS! "part 2"

Wednesday I got my hands on some shrooms again! It was pretty fucking cool! I took a couple grams and tripped my balls off for like 4 hours....and then I had to go to bed. Which sucked. But hey! I had fun...mainly played Halo in the dark in front of a big screen T.V. It got pretty intense! It felt like I was in the game. And the whole time my brother was sitting beside me watching in amazement. Yesterday kinda sucked ass though. I only got like 5 hours, MAYBE, of sleep...and then I had to wake up to got to work from 7-4 and then go directly from work to a work meeting. But hey! I think it was worth it for the time I had! hmmm...I get payed in a couple days! YAY! My crew leader raise should be on it...I wonder how much it is? You'd think I would know...but I don't. At the meeting we had we were given our own review page. It's kinda cool, cause all we have to do is brag on ourselves...and get a raise. That makes me happy! I get 2 raises really close together! Hella cool.... Well I think I'm done for now. I'm going to have me a few beers and relax. I get to sleep in tomorrow! YAY!!! Okay...peace homies...
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My b-day and other things....

Listening to: Seether-The Gift
Hey, wassup people? I'm good, I s'pose. So my 22nd b-day was a week ago. It turned out pretty good. Actually on my b-day I didn't do really a damn thing...was SUPPOSED to...but didn't. Oh well. But I got to go see 'Flogging Molly' at the Beaumont. Granted I had never heard any of their music before, it was actually a pretty good show. I spent most of the time there waiting in line for alcohol, though. After that we went to the Westport Cafe and listened to a guy sing some old hippy music, and that topped the night off pretty good. That was my present from Malachi...so thanks again douchebag! My roommates all went in on a kick ass bong for me. It's puuurty...and kicks my ass about everytime! My mom sent me $25 bucks...and I guess the rest of my family decided I was too old to send a card or money to, this year. Just about everybody wished me a happy b-day....kinda surprised the crap out of me, honestly. Even my manager sent me a b-day card and a coupon for a free 'extra value meal'. Granted he didn't go all out on me or anything, it still made me feel kinda special...ya know what I mean? So I am offically a "crew trainer" now. I just wanted to do it for the raise..but I found out that other crew members are supposed to listen to you, too. Which is kinda cool, cause I get to boss annoying people around sometimes. He-he! I think that's about all I have to say for now. Take it easy guys!
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Hey wassup hippies! Damn it's been a long ass time since I wrote on here! Well I'm going to try to sum up everything as quick as possible... ~Thanksgiving was the shit, we had like 8 people here and we cooked a shit load of food. Fuck...we ended up w/ 8 pumpkin pies! ~Christmas was surprisingly pretty good, too. I got a cool dragon head that is actually an incence burner, a pipe, tons of incence to go w/ the dragon head, a gift card, $25 from my grandma, $50 from my uncle, and $100 from my mom and stepdad. I think I came out quite nicely, considering I wasn't really expecting a damn thing! ~New Years sucked ass!!! It was THE most boring New Years EVER! I had my options of either staying home and drinking amongst myself, or going to Tashia's brother's Halo party. hmmmm...yeah...I stuck w/ the drinking at home thing. AND IT SUCKED! Well I think I've covered all the holidays, anyway! Besides all that, my ex ended up getting a job where I work at. It's kinda funny...cause he's been telling a lot of people that I work with that I'm a psycho...but then when he's around my friends and I he acts like everything's perfectly fine. I mean he doesn't really talk to me that much...but if he has something to say I wish he'd say it to my fucking face. My car's is still a p.o.s. Hopefully I can get it fixed when I get payed on Monday. That'd be fucking awesome. ehhhh...I think I'm done for now. My ass is getting sore! Take care...and peace!
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Stuff that's happened...

Hi everyone! It's been a minute since I've actually updated...so I thought I'd make note of what's new. I have this weird feeling that everything is about to change really soon. You know how you go through these phases where, for a while, you're blah and everything is too damn routine...and then all of a sudden out of no where everything changes? Yeah...it's one of those things. I am getting rather annoyed w/ my ex-boyfriend. I guess he moved up here...and now he's talking to everyone I know at work and telling them how much of a psycho I am and shit. It's kind of pissing me the fuck off. That...and I guess he's trying to get a job there, too. One of my managers threw away his apps for me though. (hehehe...!) My car's still a piece of shit. It stalls on me just about everyday. I need to have it checked out...but I am piss poor broke and kinda tired of dealing w/ it. Life's a bitch. Last Tuesday or Wednesday a bunch of my shit got stolen out of my wallet. I guess I dropped it at McDonald's and someone found it, stole my shit and tossed it out on Woods Chapel Rd. Some older guy came by and said he had found it and thought he'd return it. The fucker's stole my debit card, 2 credit cards...and my Blockbuster card. I'm surprised they didn't take my Chopper Shopper card to top it off! This is what's weird though...they didn't take the cash that was in it. It was only like $6...but still! I'd fuckin' take it! So yeah...I had to report all of my shit stolen and I have to wait a few weeks for the replacements to come in. Kinda sucks...I miss my debit card! Work was actually pretty good today. I pretty much just bullshitted w/ my manager. He's fucking cool! We started talking about anime, and he's actually seen my favorite anime that no one has ever heard of. I was pretty impressed....yeah...I'm a loser. Whatever...I had fun. ^_^ umm...that's about it. I'm gonna find something to do...I'm bored. Take it easy everyone...peace!
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Hey...wassup everybody! Halloween's tomorrow! We're having a party tomorrow night...it's going to be the shit! I hope... Don't know exactly who's showing up. Hopefully a decent amount. I bought 3 cases of beer for the occasion! It's kind of fucked up, because Tashia is the one inviting everybody....but I'm buying all the beer. I guess it's no big deal...it's not like I didn't want to hang out w/ them anyway. Well...whatever! I hope you all have a Happy Halloween/Samhein! Peace!!!
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why not?

The Knight You scored 44% Cardinal, 25% Monk, 47% Lady, and 54% Knight! You are the hero. Brave and bold. You are strong and utterly selfless. You are also a pawn to your superiors and will be lucky if you live very long. If you survive the Holy wars you are thrust into you will be praised for your valor and opportunities both romantic and financial will become available to you. My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:You scored higher than 64% on CardinalYou scored higher than 12% on MonkYou scored higher than 67% on LadyYou scored higher than 59% on Knight Link: The Who Would You Be in 1400 AD Test written by KnightlyKnave on Ok Cupid
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Shit never ceases...

Hey, everyone. hmmm....It doesn't seem like anyone looks at my journal anymore. Oh well...it might as well be on private all the time. *sigh* Blah. I'm kind of in one of those weird state of minds' right now. Not really different than the usual, I suppose. My car's acting fucked up. It sucks...alot. I have the worst luck. Not really...I know that there is people out there that have it a lot harder than I do...but I can't help but being bummed. The last car I had lasted me a whole 3 months...and this car I just got in August. It didn't really start acting fucked up again until the other day when I had my brother take my antifreeze out of my reserve tank. Ever since then, it's been fucked up. The antifreeze in my reserve is way to high...I've stalled out a couple of times...it's just really making me worried and pissed off. I swear it seems like I'm doomed to stay where I'm working at. I was planning on getting another job after the last car I had...and it fucked up. I've been looking for another job, lately, and my new car fucks up. It's pissing me off. I don';t want to be stuck working fast food forever. But it seems like that no matter my hard work...no matter my effort to make something of myself....I get screwed out of it. I hate it. I was going to apply for college yesterday...but instead my cear fucks up. I was going to continue job hunting...but noooo. I beleive that everything happens for a reason...but I've yet to see what the hell the reason is for me failing to get on w/ my life. It's depressing as fuck. Really it is. mmmmm...let me admit...I've been drinking. I'm actually kinda drunk. But I know that the shit that's on my mind right now hasn't changed since earlier. The fuckers told me that I have a cracked head gasket! There is no way in hell that I have a cracked head. I can't afford that. And I KNOW that's not the problem. Fuck them. I hate being a female sometimes. Every time I take a car to the shop they always try to take advantage of me. It makes me rather anxious for the world to explode or some kind of armegedden to happen. Fucking humans. Cockroaches of the planet. Well I'm done venting for now. Peace out...whoever reads this.
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Tashia had her baby, my nephew, this morning! He's so cute! He's 7 lbs 8 oz, 20 in, and sooo cute!^_^ Kinda strange that I'm not a kid kind of person...but now I'm all happy and stuff. But whatever! Yesterday my brother came into work at 11am and not even 10 mins after he got there, Tashia called and said she was having contractions. So I took my break, and gave my brother a ride home, and he had Mark take the Charger up there with him. I told Michael to call me if anything happened...but NO. He didn't. Fucker. But that's okay cause it was a loooong wait. So when I got off work, at 4, I came home and no one was here. But shortly afterwards, Michael and Mark showed up. They explained that it wasn't a false alarm...so I hurried the hell up and went to Village Gardens and grabbed some stuff for Tashia that I figured she had forgot.(which she did) When I got back, Michael told me that they were about to induce labor...so we had to move our asses. So we did...and when we got to the hospital there was quite a few people there. Her parents, her siblings and their significant others, her grandma, and my mom. It was decently packed. So throughout the night, we were getting kicked out and let back into the room, sitting in the waiting room, and enjoying a cigarette in the "Bob stop" (why it's called a 'Bob stop' know ones knows) while it was storming. For a long time, Tashia was only dialated at 4...but all of a sudden she was ready to deliver. She officially had Xander at 1:40 AM. Made for a REALLY loooong day!........and well....he's adorable! ^_^ I went back up there again at around 4 o'clockish to see how everyone was doing. Everyone that was there yesterday was there again today. Tashia's doing good...although since yesterday it seems that her sense of humor has disappeared. The nurse said she did great....not even one stitch! That's crazy! Kinda weird to me..... My brother's okay...but I think he's going a little crazy being cooped up in the hospital and everything. But yeah.....I'm officially an Aunt. I still don't think that has completely sunk in yet. Thought I'd better write all that down...but take care everyone! And peace!
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I'm bored....

Hey..how's everyone doing? Good, I hope. I'm alright, I suppose...well alive at least. Just tryed to fill out a online fafsa (federal aid) form. Pissed me off. I'm 21 yrs old...and they want all this damn info on my parents. I don't even talk to my dad...and my mom moved to Oklahoma and I barely talk to her...so how the hell am I supposed to fill that crap out. I dunno...it's retarded if you ask me. We got satilite. (did I spell that right?) It's cool. Although it kinda sucks that they only show Inuyasha Monday thru Wednesday..and then 1 new episdode a week on Saturday. Grrr...damn Adult Swim. Well I'm gonna get off here and grab a beer. Peace out hommies! Later...
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Moved out!

SOOOO....I haven't written in quite a while now. Thought I should leave a word or two to say what's been going on. FINALLY moved out! It's pretty cool. It's clean...we have food that we can cook in our very own kitchen...and I HAVE A BED! OH! And don't forget the shower....shower's are niiiice! Yeah...I know. Pretty simple shit, huh? But it's definately true that you don't appreciate what you have until you lose it...and I am VERY fucking grateful. I'm about to finally go job hunting on Monday. I was going to this last Monday..but my stupid manager scheduled me to work anyway. Whatever...they're going to feel the pain when I quit. Not to boast or anything...but I'm one of the best workers they have. And that's sad...cause it's so freaking easy. I'm also thinking about trying to get enrolled to go back to school in January. Don't know what exactly I want to do, yet. Probably won't until I'm like in my 50's...and then I probably still won't know anyway. Kinda thinking about criminal justice. I don't want to be a 'pig' or anything (fuck that)...but maybe into forensics or something cool. We'll see though... This is kinda strange. My next door neighbor, that moved in right after we did, is Michelle (Crystal...whatever she goes by) Bridges. I don't particularly care for her too much cause when I used to know her (mainly through association) she was kind of...well...a bitch! So Tashia and I have been trying to avoid her so she doesn't know we live RIGHT next door. We share the same freaking duplex man! She probably already knows....oh well... hmm...well that's about it for now. I'll update later...probably when we get a cd rom to get online at our house. (I'm at the library now...and I have 11 minutes left).So until then...PEACE!
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Not a D&D junkie...but what the hell

I Am A: Chaotic Good Elf Mage Ranger Alignment:Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups. Race:Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance. Primary Class:Mages harness the magical energies for their own use. Spells, spell books, and long hours in the library are their loves. While often not physically strong, their mental talents can make up for this. Secondary Class:Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy. Deity: Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy ofNeppyMan (e-mail)
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Moving out, car, etc.....

SON OF A BITCH! I really need to remember to start copying my entry's before I click on that damned send button! I just wasted another good 40 mins. of my life..........AGAIN! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! BUT OKAY! I'm going to start over and try to keep my sanity! Alright...I finally got a car! YAY! It's a 92' Ford Thunderbird. It's pretty nice...it's white though. Funny...I always said I would never drive a white car...or a Ford (except for a Mustang or truck)! gee...I'm a hypocrit! Oh well...it's the nicest car I found so I went w/ it. I already need to get shit fixed though. I need to get a new valve cover gasket, new brakes...and it DESPERATELY needs an oil change. It's over full and the oil's fucking black. So I made an appointment to get that shit fixed tomorrow...at 8 in the goddamn morning...on my day off, no less! It blows cause I just got payed today...and I can't even be that happy about it cause every last penny I have is rather going to a house or into my car. Financial shit sucks. That and tomorrows my brothers 20th b-day (HAPPY B-DAY MICHAEL) and Saturday is Tashia's baby shower..and I'm piss poor broke. But hey...I'll figure something out. Hopefully! The house hunting is kind of a bitch cause if we don't get turned down for one thing...it's something fucking else. But Tashia, Michael, and Suzy went to look at a 5 bedroom place in Independence today. They acted pretty excited about it...and it sounds pretty sweet...so I'm going to seriously crack down on that thing called 'prayer'. ^_^ We're all going to turn in our applications on it tomorrow. Hope we get it...I'm tired of this shit...and we HAVE to do something...ANYTHING...soon. We're about out of time! Blah...so much shit to do tomorrow. Have to get up at 7 to have my car at the shop by 8, my brother and I are going to donate some plasma to earn some extra cash, we have to go turn in the apps, and then pick my car up. Fuck! But when it's all said and done...we get to celebrate my brother's b-day...and a crap load of work...w/ a beautiful thing called BEER! Oh hell yes...^______________^ But yeah...that about sums it up! At least this time I already had an idea of what to write cause of these DAMN JOURNAL NAZI'S!!!! Well anywho....take it easy guys. Peace...!
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Hello...I hope I find everyone in good health. Umm...so I went to look at a house the other day, w/ Tashia and Suzy. It was adequate. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, basement, relatively spacious. Put in the application...just waiting to hear back from her. We really need to find a place soon if we're going to move out on the 1st. Today has been one of those day's that shouldn't have existed. Seriously. I went to sleep at 1 this morning...expecting to get at least 7 hrs of sleep, seeing how as I was supposed to go into work at 9. The power went out at around 1:30 this morning and Mary came downstairs looking for a lighter at like 5:30. I was passed the fuck out...and Suzy and Mark tryed to find one, but then they heard David give her one. So they went back to bed. Then she comes downstairs at sometime around 6 and starts bitching about how we couldn't let her borrow a lighter, and that she's tired of no one listening to her, and how everything in her pathetic life is our fault. Then she left for a second...and comes back...this time w/ an old ass cup of Dr. Pepper and commences to doucing me, my brother and Tashia w/ the shit. AT 6 O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING. So we, I in particular, started going off on her ass...and then we got to hear shit from Chris. He tryed to play good cop for a minute...and then he started bitching about the house and other stupid bullshit that, APPARENTLY, is all our fault. Big fucking surprise. Not even 10 minutes after the bitch soaked us, she and Chris left to go to work. Fucking pussy gnomes! So then we all had to take a fucking bath, by candle light, and stayed awake. I can honestly say that no one has ever done that psycho shit to me before...nor have I ever been so pissed off in a loooong ass time. That's okay though. We got revenge. That's a secret, though. He He He! ^_~ ehhh....that's about it. Take care everyone...peace...
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