::Happy Birthday Ace::

Listening to: Gladiator Soundtrack
Feeling: humbled
I can't help but think about him every time this day comes, well, tomorrow that is. My uncle Ace died in a trucking accident in the Rockies. I would like to know more about him, but I don't want to pain my dad and ask about how his brother died. It's been now nearly 20 years since he's been gone. I know he was alive for a short while after Stacey was born. I may have my history wrong, but I believe he died before I was born. We both happen to have shared the same birthday (April 30). In a sense, I think God was giving my mom and dad a way of remembering "Ace" (as they called him) because Stacey was named after Ace, and me being born on his birthday, gave them another alternative than bringing up painful memories. I don't blame God, or hate him for having to make my birthday such a vivid reminder for my dad, I don't think it's God's cruel sense of humor; I think it's God's way of humbling us. I know Stacey is also going through a trying time. Please pray for her. :)
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Hey, happy birthday! =)
Sorry to hear about your uncle.