::The Out Come::

Feeling: happy
Yeah, that's right. Bush is ours for 4 more years, so those who didn't want him will just have to suck it up. Sorry. I just thought I'd get that out of my system. The country obviously voted for the man they thought could handle the current situations the best and with the greatest of ease. My friend was walking around with a sign taped to her back that said "The last time we listened to a bush we were wondering the desert for 40 years." Which in my mind is almost blasphemous (sp) because then that's saying Moses shouldn't have listened to what God was saying to him. That or we shouldn't listen to inatomate objects because they don't know what they're talking about when it could be God talking to us. I say whatever to the sign..that's all I've gotta say about it. My choir teacher got a note written to one of our guys in choir and Michelle (my best friend) was telling her about it and askes Michelle to bring the note to her. So she does and is reading it, making all sorts of fun about the girl who wrote it (not the mean fun, but joking) and took out a red pen and started correcting the grammatical errors the paper had, then we folded it back up and gave it back to Ben, not saying anything about the note. He doesn't even know Mrs. Riensche read it. Heh, that's some great stuff. She's a giant kid. I love her to deat.
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