::Scheduling Problems Already::

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I think I'm going to quit the theater. It's my first day of work at the Manor, I go to check my schedule at the Theater, and I'm already scheduled to work the same day same times at both jobs. Hmmm....one pays better than the other and I don't have anytime for movies as it is....so I don't see the burden of letting the job go. Stace.... help me.
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Ugh... well let me go to one more free movie before you quit. I dunno, I worked two jobs and well did other stuff. I miss you. Can't you just live my life for me? I wish that you were here. I pray that you are doing well. Remember that I love you. Did Nick say yes? I'll be home this weekend. I have to go finish reading stuff and yeah. Pray for me Holl, I really really really need it.