::Another Update::

Listening to: Everything- Lifehouse
Feeling: sarcastic
I suppose it's been awhile, and Michelle's yelling at me to update, so here it goes. Orientation for UNO was yesterday. Sorry Stacey, I'm offically a Maverick, but a Husker for football. My tour guy was really hot and funny. I still have to go and get my classes registered for. Fun....I hope I can get the classes I want. Anyway. I bought Bo Bice's cd today. Don't worry, it's not his actual cd, this one only has 2 songs on it. Big whoop. Still, I love his voice. He sounds good on cd and live. He's so handsome too. I talked to Tim and Ben today. I haven't seen them in a very long time. I had time to spare on my way to work so I just...decided to see how they were doing. It's good to talk to old acquaintances. Fred says drumlines doing just fine. David (their instructor) is uber hot as well : ) so BACK OFF LADIES! No...he goes to UNL from what Fred said. Heh...Fred....said...rhymes.. Wow, now the song switched to Gladiator song. I love Gladiator.
adopt your own virtual pet!
SWEET MOTHER OF MOSES I HAVE A PURPLE LLAMA! I'll end with that: I have a llama.
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Thank you Holly! Also, Mr. K told me that Dave is only a junior at UNL....so I have a chance. He is so hot!