::Tofu Turger Burgers::

Feeling: tenacious
My mom was watching the news when a story on Mad Cow Disease came on and she was watching it and they were saying how more turkey burgers were being sold..and this one family made tofu turkey burgers....so my mom calls to me in a very serious..not like...flustered, but just wanting me to know what's on and says in a thick southern accent "Holly, there's a story on mad cow disease and Tofu Turger Burgers"....then pauses and starts laughing, realizing what she just said. She's great. I miss her and Chelsea so much already. It'll be too long before I get to see them again. Anyway....I just got off work so I'm really tired and going to bed. Later.
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I was randomly going through people's journal and i came across yours.. lol..I saw that you like Josh Groben's music/voice too. I really like the song "You raise me up." It is so beautiful.
I just thought I'd leave you a comment..and hey add me if you want to, i'll add ya. =)