::Heather's Birthday::

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: empty
Today was Heather's birthday, so because of youth group, I couldn't spend time with her. My brother has 20/200 vision in his right eye and can't be corrected with glasses (the vision isn't exaggerated either) my friend is still in pain even though he's in school. Tonight I pretty much had a breakdown at youth group. I don't even really know why I went. Heather's 19 today. Happy Birthday Heather. Stacey came back from college....school's just becoming too overwhelming. If anyone happens to know some famous poems of insanity that aren't really depressing *I dont' really care either way* I just need something put together for forensics ASAP.
Read 2 comments
Hey Holly...just wanted to let you know I'm praying for your brother. I hope everything turns out ok....
Becca (Stacey's friend)
Hey holldoll. I'm sorry about your friend and your brother. I'm here if you need me. Call me sometime. Bye.
