[141] All The Things

Feeling: perplexed

So it's been awhile.

I wanted / no, intended to update this more frequently but life keeps getting in the way. I've been distracted and just preoccupied with other things. I feel bad but meh.

I've been in school now for 4 semesters (well, this current one is my fourth) and I've been doing surprisingly well. I've been able to maintain a 4.0 every single semester which completely exceeds all expectations I had for myself. But sometimes, that's a good thing. Because if you can blow your mind about yourself that means that you are better than you thought - which means you need to start thinking better. At least, if logic would dictate. But it often doesn't...stupid mind.

So that's a thing.

Also, I'm getting married this year. Woo. I never thought I'd be here 10 years later (2008 me thought he'd forever be alone because nobody could possibly love him) and then bam here were are. It was a long journey but it was rewarding and I'm happy. It's just been so stressful making the invitations, saving up money, planning, etc. It's almost too much to deal with sometimes.

I've become a stoner, haha, which sounds weird but like sometimes the best way to destressify myself is to take a hit or two. Doesn't make me a bad person. It's becoming legal soon anyway. But I will say I've gotten really good at making edibles which is a lot harder than you'd think.

Besides that, I have a few projects coming out soon which I am very nervous about. My Trading Card Game is almost done and I'll be making a Kickstarter soon to promote it. I'm having two books released at the end of this year - one Young Adult Fantasy and one Young Adult Lesbian Romance.

I just need to learn to relax and stop letting my mind destroy me. It's my worstenemy which it should be my greatest ally. It's kind of both and I wish it was more one than the other. =/

In other news I've gotten back into WoW and also became a huge Overwatch fan. Mercy and Mei are the best and I'll fight anyone who says different! I have put in so many hours. Haha.

Oh well. I'll update again soon. o/

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