Remember The Titanic.

Feeling: beaming
I Told kayla, About the recurring dreams i've been having. About the titanic. How I remember being on it. I Told her i think i was on it with her. I swear to god its true. Because everytime I talk to her i feel a connection a deep one. she feels the same thing. and Get this, She's had those dreams too. I was like woah. She remembers killing herself because i died. Or something like that. I remember drowning when It was sinking and I heard someone Screaming my name. (dont remember my name that well sounds like matt, leo, leum) And She rememebers screaming someones name too. Weird huh? Our connection Is getting deeper I think We are soul mates. I think she knows it too. Also we rememeber being in egypt. I'll talk about it tommarow. -Shadow
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