[83] Bored With It

Feeling: full

Okay so I was pretty po'ed.

So I woke up and texted my boss about getting paid and I found out that I'm not to be paid until Tuesday...when I was previously told I'd be paid way before that. So that was pretty fucking frustrating. I ended up having to get money from elsewhere to use to buy Christmas gifts for Ashley/co. before the party tomorrow -_-

which, by the way, there is no longer going to be a party it's more like a small gathering which is fine in my book, it was still annoying.

I was supposed to get a call from a person about getting my diploma and I still haven't. You'd think my mother, being a teacher, would be trying her damnest to help her son get an education (it's someone she knows in the school system) but alas, that isn't the case. I hate that I can't even rely on her when I need to.

I ended up going holiday shopping with Anthony and managed to get a couple good deals. I got the kids loads of presents. I drew a blank for the adults and ended up getting them cigarettes - they're smokers...it'll save them money in the long run. It's tacky, but meh. It's the best I could do!

I made dinner (nothing fancy) - hamburgers and french fries. And Anthony + me watched Worst Year of My Life Again. We're almost done with the show and it'll be sad when it's over.

The rest of the night is dedicated to writing and maybe playing WoW. We'll see.

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