[54] Daylight Fades

Feeling: dazed

So I didn't get any writing done today...but meh, it happens.

I played some WoW and talked to Linus on Skype today. He seems to actually be trying to get things back to where they used to be/ get our relationship dynamic back. I'm guarded with him, as well I should be because of how poorly he's treated me...so we'll see if it's possible for us to getback to where we were or if he burned that bridge permanently.

Anthony came home from school and I made dinner while he did his homework. It wasn't anything extravagant - hotdogs, apple compote, and egg fried rice. Like I said, nothing over-the-top but it was delicious at least. We ate dinner and watched Scream Queens. It was a really good episode and I'm really loving where it's going.

After dinner we talked to friends on Discord for a few hours. The rest of the night is us playing WoW and then going to work...yup, we're back to part time at night. Yay. >.>

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