[41] Pouring Out

Feeling: electric

(Entry for 11/05/2015)

So not much of note happened today.

I didn't have to go into work because they didn't need me and besides there wasn't really enough gas in the car to make it until Anthony gets paid to take me there - having only one car sucks -_-

Instead I stayed home and did my usual mix of writing, listening to music, and WoW on breaks. Very enjoyable/chill day.

I had food ready for Anthony when he came home from his school break and we watched Community. We haven't watched that show in a while because of all the other shows we keep getting wrapped into so it was nice to finally go back to it. As enjoyable as ever - I love Annie and Troy. <3

For dinner I made us burgers, mac n cheese, and homemade garlic breadsticks which came out surprisingly well - well enough that Anthony told me to make them again. So I shall!

Oh and tickets for my con went on sale today. SQUEE!!!

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