(How Soon Is Now)

Feeling: bittersweet
So begins the habit of having Degrassi titles as blog titles.... I did it on Myspace for awhile, and now I feel I can move on to Sitdiary.com as my present blog.. and ranting area. So lets see.. I want to rant against suicidal people. Yes, I know I used to be one of them.. but you see, I never really actually wanted to die.. unless it was over a matter of the heart. Only when my heart was broken, did I go through the steps to try and take my own life. Besides that, I just want to say.. Cutting, was a release, and nothing more. I never wanted it to kill me, nor ever did it in an area where I knew for a fact it would harm me for life.. simply an anger release. I don't know why people try and kill themselves.. I mean I know their real reason, but I don't get the logic.. I used to.. but for some reason it seems flawed. We don't know if what lies beyond is better than what we have to deal with now, so why do we keep trying to reach it? Is death actually better than life? I hope so..because I'd hate to leave all my close ones behind. Of all the people close to me... I only hold my SC family, and parts of my real family in high regard.. I have only four real friends (You know who you are) and two families.. they give me the urge to live.. and to keep moving on. The title.. "How soon is now" is a question and a statement.. because, why would you want something, when you can have it as soon as now? Why long for something when it's easier to go right out and seize it. Lastly, I want to rant against people who try and snub others for being "anti-social" did it ever occur to you ass-hats.. that we're not anti-social, we just fucking hate you bastards? Ktnxbai. Sorry.. but this first blog, is the beginning of a new me. Hello thar peoples.
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