[135] Real Me, Inside

Feeling: cool

Heya, Sit Diary!

So things have been going great lately (which is also probably why I haven't updated in a long while - I've been too busy!)

I've lost about 50 lbs so far. I'm really glad that my dieting/hard work has been paying off. I told myself I'd get fit before my 25th birthday and it looks like I'll hit my goal by then.

I've been studying a lot and am prepared to take my GED soon. I'm nervous but I feel like I know enough to pass. If I do, I'll be starting school in June/July so that'll be fun. I'll finally be a college student, woot!

I've also been making more money at work which has really helped my morale and general ability to buy fun/nice things, so that's exciting too.

I can't really complain about much, just stupid anxiety hitting me every now and then. But I'm doing my best to combat it little by little.

I've been focusing on baking and stuff like that. I've been getting more people asking me to do things for their parties. Oh, and I'm almost done writing my next book! See, I said busy! :P

I really want to update here more. This diary holds a special place in my heart. I never thought I'd be updating it over 10 years later (from when I first started it) but sometimes it's fun to read old entries and see how much I've changed/grown. I'll continue to do so and maybe I can look back and be proud of myself. I'm starting to get that feeling, I just want it to be fully realized.

Someday soon.


Read 2 comments
Good for you! It looks like there's a lot of great things going right now in your life, and I hope it continues. Best of luck!

I just wanted to encourage you, that you are on the right way. Im Feeling good for you, that you reached more comfotability in life, lost weight, have more Money with work and i wish you, that this path will be yours, even is ist rugged or strewn with thorns sometimes. I think i've been there too and i can tell, that it's all becoming more clear and calm over the years. You are making it right.

-be well,