[39] Caught Up In Circles

I woke up today with the worst headache and feeling in my stomach so I didn't go to work. I slept in until I felt rested.

I didn't really do much of note today except work on the sequel to my very first novel, outlining and the like. My vision hasn't changed much but I'm surprised at the level of creativity I had when I was younger. Very proud.

I also had to deal with an annoyance. A friend I no longer talk to because he was toxic decided it would be a good idea to go behind my back to my best friend Sam, and run his mouth and act like the situation of our friendship separation happened totally different than what it did.

To make a long story short - about five or six people in our circle had a problem with this guy so I decided to man up and be the one to tell him I didn't want him around us. He told me he was shocked and accused me of being the only one who had issues with him. I told him that wasn't the case and if he wanted to know he could feel free to ask the others (who were ready to go off but I didn't want it to be a whole thing of everyone attacking him) but he kind of just vanished.

And then for him to turn around and try and get at me through my best friend...he can go fuck himself. I should have let everyone attack him.

Gah. I hope this all blows over by tomorrow and I hope she knows me well enough to know I'm not that kind of person.

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