
so after ransacking steele's room looking for my fucking AWOL wallet, i come to the conclusion that i cannot do anything right and therefore should not be given any special rights or privledges. i can't handle anything above or beyond the third grade level. i can't keep anything expensive or otherwise remotely important without damaging/killing it. even things that would benefit me as much as say, a job or a girlfriend. i immediately begin to test my limits and normally push things too far. Yes calling my boss a dickhead was uncalled for, but i did it in compliment form. you fuckin bitch. will is back in town for an undetermined extended period of time, hopefully something positive happens and we dont have to worry about selling used underwear on the corner anymore. it gets to be a pain in the ass. o_O i don't do much anymore. i sit and play my atari and my super nintendo. i catch up on reading and basically waste my time raising my sisters kids. i don't have motivation or time for social outings, and i'm fine with it. as for the drunken letter, i guess if it's so easy for you to blow up on something so menial and POSSIBLY easily bypassed with a simple question, then there isin't really any reason to try now. i now see that lies are more then just a fun word to say. i uh, idfk what to say to you, i don't have anything to say to you. even if i attempted something you'd probably just be a dick about it anyways. it was bound to happen, im just happy that i realized who was what. bitches. i'm um..done.
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