The Letter B

Reasons why the letter B kicks ass. Bloodhound Gang - My favorite band EVER Breeeee - My Stalkee Bring the pain - Fav song by MSI Bobby - What my old school friends call me Brodie - My nickname Bluekharma - My Screen Name in multiple areas. BunneH - >_< MOTHER FUCK Bitches - Another song by MSI Bailey - hey why not. Black Flag - AWESOME BAND. Baseball Bat - only a select few know my reasoning. Boobs - MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. had to get that one in there. Blow - see: Cocaine Beer - HAHAHA DRUNKAHOLICS ANONYMOUS Bongs - see: Marijuana Basket Case - see: Green Day Bodies - see: Drowning Pool Bodies - see: Bree Bed - see: Me.
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