So i'll drive so fucking far away

So the birthday went off without a hitch, nothing special really happened, a whole fuckload of people forgot to do the ritual birthday wishes, i saw that coming. Failure is nothing new to me, i welcome it. This song follows me every fucking where. EVERYWHERE. So i realized that Jules has grown an intense hatred for me, which i think is fucking awesome. because, im such a fuckin dickhead and what not. of course i am. I'm slowly crawling back into the employed status, it just takes time. I'm just sick and fucking tired of working for minimum wage when i know i can easily breeze through some $15/h job, i just can't stay sober. I guess nothing changes. FINALLY I UNLOCKED DARA'S NUMBER..god how the fuck could i be so stupid, so incredibly stupid. So Ashley recently signed on the dotted line to reciever her daily subscription to "Rob's over-annoying bullshit", it's going good except for a little issue i had the other night, but it's cool. As i sit here in my cool gray wife beater i can't help but think about where the fuck i'm going to be in 6 months, where am i going to be in a year? Ever since lil ms. fuzz decided to take an alternate path in life, i have absolutely no fucking clue what to do with myself. i guess i'll go through life just like god intended, working some semi-good job living in a semi-nice apartment barely making bills and not really have anything to care about or be attached to. I guess i foresaw this, but i can't help but want to do bette..ha, no. Warped tour is bringin back noFX and Anti-Flag this year, lets see if Grimm wants to hook up my free tickets again this time round. Heroin. -b120d13 p.s. Don't be surprised if i leave everything behind.
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I'm as free as a bird now, and this bird you cannot change.