total blast

Yesterday was an AMAZING day…well more like an amazing night, but that is what I remember of the day, lol. I got through my 3 tests…yay…moving on now, lol ;). After school we had a intrasquad meet (where you break the team in half and compete against yourself). I won (of surprises there) but my shins KILLED me…I’d cut of my legs if I could…this totally sucks. I did jump 7’ 6”…so that’s pretty good…considering that I pretty much can’t run (kinda important). I ran home, re-got-ready, packed a picnic, and then Audra and I were off to Cactus Park. I absolutely LOVE when random events turn out to be sooo much fun. The only part of the night that was planned was the picnic, and even that turned out to be random too (I’m getting ahead of myself now)… Sam, Audra and I had a “parking lot picnic”…yeah, have you ever eaten in a parking lot before? lol Well we did…and almost got run over…but it was sooo much fun! :D Then tons of people got there and we played b-ball (kinda turned into chicken fighting b-ball, but that was cool too). I met like tons of new people (Eric L., Kyle, Megan, Nate, Marissa, and a few others)…pretty cool. We also played the Pony game, Big Booty, and Jiggalo (sp?). So much randomness…I loved it. Highlights: “Hey Marissa…yeah?...Hey Marissa…What up hoe?!?!” “Don’t hold my hand!” “Are you calling me white?” Eating in a parking lot Sam hitting people’s cars with oranges Almost getting killed while playing Big Booty (LOL) ;) Yeah, there are tons more…but moving on… Audra and I had a total blast singing out lungs out (with the windows down of course…FREEZING!) when we drove over to Nate’s old house’s jacuzzi. Sam and Nate had bathing suits with them, so they went in, but Audra and I just stuck our feet in…it felt sooo good though…omg, my shins were happy (really, they have their own emotions, jk ;) ). We all went over to Nova’s house to watch Donnie Darko (strange strange movie, lol…I’m still not sure what happened). It’s cool that Nova lives about a block from me because my mom was fine with me staying over there till 1 (yes!). Some kid Dan (BIG guy) and totally crushed my foot…I was fine, but he kept bringing it up. Matt came over to Nova’s too after he got off work. I had fun talking with Nova’s mom cuz I haven’t seen her in years. Overall…I think that was the most fun night I’ve had in a LONG time. Today I had to get up early though and go to track practice…on a Saturday (what is up with that?!?!). I wasn’t able to do anything, so I videotaped. I’m now going to go eat lunch and then I’m off to Audra’s house (the old one…she’s moving next weekend though! YEAH!!!). Love y’all!~ Sarah :D (P.S. I miss some of you guys :(...we’ll have to do something in the near future…fun?!?! I think so ;D)
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hey! i know nova. and its such a marissa thing to say..yeah ho? lol. nova's mom is amazing!

good you had fun!
