I love you all!!!

*Audra!* So yeah…definitely LOVE being a Senior. This year is awesome (uber-awesome…lol). I hate Econ. presentations ~Sleepy time~ Out of 17 days this quarter, we’ve done presentations for 11 of them. I could NOT stay awake…ZZZZZ. I was also planning on sleeping in my car during 4th hour, but that didn’t happen. Ashley, Kyle, and I decided to go out to lunch instead…much more fun:) . Matty P. didn’t go though because he has to weigh-in for wrestling (those guys really have diet problems…but we got him to go to YC’s last time…so that was good), and Aaron had district honor choir. I think we’re going out again on Monday, so let me know if you want me to bring you anything back (I don’t know where we’re going yet though…I’ll let you know:) ). Kyle’s car is AWESOME! I didn’t feel like driving, so Kyle drove us. I bonded with my brother when I drove him just now. We used to have a lot of car conversations when I’d take him to camp over the summer, but I’ve been too busy to drive him anywhere recently. …But today I have absolutely no hw! WOO HOO!!! I’m not getting home ‘till after 9, but still…no hw! I’m only home briefly right now before I have to run off to pole-vault (oh btw…I did an awesome job talking about pole-vaulting in Spanish yesterday…complete with subjunctive…go me!) Well Spanish never seems to end…tonight I’m going straight from pole-vault to Navajo to translate at the PTO meeting…7-9 (“fun class activity”…at least it’s service hours). I am seriously going to die cuz I just totally clam-up when talking to any native Spanish speakers (I’m fine talking with you, Stephen or Sasha, but that’s cuz Spanish isn’t your first language). Well I guess this would be kinda what Diego was talking about with “flooding”. I guess we’ll see how it goes…new experiences! Oh…funny Trevor story: Well he had called me sometime during the day on Saturday, but I think that’s when I was sleeping…so I obviously didn’t answer (duh…obviously…haha). Well I called him back that night, and he said he was hanging out with Kate (I think she might still be his gf…but she goes to NAU). He told me he’d call me back Sunday and in the background I heard a “NO!” I thought it was a little odd (and quite rude), but I really don’t care. So…he called back last night and I decided to question him about what she’d said. At first he denied that she was saying no to him calling me back, but then he gave in. The funny part (well I think it’s funny) is that then he started saying all this not so nice stuff about his gf…like that she really doesn’t have many friends, she’s possessive, and has a jealousy problem (hmm…well he has those last two problems too…so they work well together:)…lol). So…yeah. I seriously have had “Vindicated” stuck in my head since Chemistry…great song. Oh, those “Game Day” shirts…I got yours for you. I’ll try to get some puffy-paint before going to Navajo so we can paint the backs tonight. Fun fun fun! Well I’m off…I love you all :D. See you soon~ *Sarah* (P.S. Everyone: Thank you for making my life interesting…and you guys are all wonderful; so don’t think differently…I LOVE YOU!!!)
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you could talk to me in spanish!
Glad you're liking senior year, that makes one of us. bc i dont. its better than being a jr. though, thats for sure.

Have fun,