Hectic craziness

Feeling: radiant
Let’s make this quick… I’m really happy…I think we’re back to the freaky “opposite of depression” thingy. I seriously don’t know why I’m happy, but that’s good right? lol I’m going to Starbucks with Trevor on Wednesday (and going to lunch with Audra that day, and going to movie night that night with her too…if she becomes “unsick”). I haven’t seen him in eons…no joke. We’ll see how that goes. I hate losing friends. When people have problems in their lives, the first thing they should do is reflect on themselves. Oftentimes people (and I am guilty of this too at times) see their emotions/issues as everyone else’s responsibility/fault. Isn’t it great to think that you control your own life? Random, I know ;). Today we took the senior panoramic picture. I guess it doesn’t matter much that no one will be able to tell what color eyes I have in 20 years or so…freaking sun, I sooo couldn’t see. Oh well. It’s midnight…and I have a ton left to do. I randomly went to math class today…we’ll see what happens with that (I’m not sure if I’m taking the class, but I got to see some good friends, so that was cool). The fish are still alive. I’m thinking of calling them Lucy and Ethel (not sure yet…but that was as much thought as I had time for, lol). I bent the pole today!!! I am soooo grateful that the student store sells index cards. This morning I had 35 notecards done for my research paper…and I needed 100 by 5th hour…somehow I managed to pull that one off, lol. Someday I’ll be looking back on these memories and laughing at myself for being such a procrastinator/dork. I haven’t talked to a lot of you lately (I really haven’t had a chance to talk to anyone lately actually)…so I hope all is well in your lives. I’ll catch up later I guess ;). Nighty night~ Sarah :D (P.S. Audra- I’m glad you finally wrote an entry…even though it was a private one…I hope you feel better :)...we live in the grey area, lo siento pero es la vida...I heart you though!) (P.P.S. I still want to go skiing/snowboarding...and guess what? my mom said I could...now how cool is that? I just have to get that all figured out, lol :D yay!)
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hello dahling! well i know what you mean about the opposite of depression thing. and goooood fish names :)

love nish