feeling alive!!

Hey Sarah- Wow! You will be soo suprised to come and check the sitdiaries and discover that I have typed you an entry!! (I know its amazing!!) :) Yeah well lifes been a little crazy lately. Monday's events soley included happenings all of which were related to school...(like making up a test in which I had to be at school at 7:30 AM, only to find out that our teacher forgot us!!!) Oh well. Tuesday, I went to help my mom and my sister with their St. Vincent De Paul service project. It was cute....all of the little brownie girl scouts made pb&j sandwiches for peoples lunches. (I think I really smelled like pb after that. oh well, sexy huh? lol) Then comes Wednesday which pretty uneventful. So onto Thursday!! Thursday Hanna and I went to coffee house and loved it as always!! I totally agree. Ben is hot playing the piano! Oh wow. lol :) Wes, of course, is pretty cute too tho. But, other than cute boys, the talent in coffee house always suprises me. People just have so much talent. And some of them,(you know who I am talking about) are so passionate about it that THAT is what I think attracts me to people with such passion about a hobby. Its cute! Then, Friday, the drive-in to see Sunrise something or other and Cellular!! Which I loved!! That just was an interesting night all in itself. No other comments to be said. Saturday was Diego's party. I had lots of fun...I want to go camping tho!! FIRE!! Yeah just remembering those good 'ol days of girl scouts. Mr. Grorge etc. fun fun!! Senior adds were fun. (kinda) glad those are now done and over with tho. Then you have sunday. Well as I had hoped for a better turn out with the whole asking deal I am quite proud of the way I handled the whole situation in general. You just have to know that things will work out for the best and truely believe it! I am really excited that it has been raining for the past couple of days now. I love the rain!! To bad I cant go run outside in the rain without being looked at like some "crazy person." lol. Yellowcard is tomorrow!!!! Yeah! That should be interesting. Hope it doesn't rain and that we figure out what is happening about the driving thingy so...to be decided I guess. I want to get a yellowcard t-shirt!! Although, I am sure it will cost like 30.00 and I could find it on e-bay for like 15-20. So we shall se about that. Ya know, why is it that life seems so hard at times? You think that things would be easy some of the time but as I have noticed people tend to never be satisfied with their life. I rember a perfect quote about life from a movie or something that states: "Don't be afraid of death, be afraid of the unlived life." Which I think sums up my outlook on life. Why wait for things to happen to you and waist time? If neither person or event actually gets around to happening you will have lost out on those precious experiences you could have had. I think this is what modivates me the most about trying to take advantage of every oportunity in life. Because hey, "what doesn't kill ya only makes you stronger." Love, Audra* p.s. I remembered to put a p.s. pps. why is it not a pss? ppps. Hope things go well with your week and try to "LIVE life to the fullest potential!"
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thanks sarah, im pretty sure i did fail. i got the ring back...and i dont really know why stephen had it lol....as far as trusting him...ehhh working on it....i SUPPOSE i trust him. lol jk

have a good one and have fun at the concert

love nish