
Feeling: alive
Audra, I so just saw you for thirty something odd hours, lol…and we’re still not sick of each other! (maybe sick, but not of each other, woo hoo!) This is a good song…btw.;) I had fun being “twins” or whatever listening to music in the store yesterday, lol…fun…while our mothers went picture frame happy (way too many picture frames…oh well, you can never have too many;) ). So yesterday was “getting up extremely early to go shopping”, which I’ve decided only CRAZY people must do, lol (I guess that makes us both crazy, jk). I had issues waking up because I couldn’t fall asleep after leaving your house Saturday, so I was kinda up till like 3 (or some freaky time like that, haha). So yesterday = SHOPPING :D (pretty much the mall)…ALL DAY, lol. (You just called me, lol) So back to yesterday: I was sooooo tired after walking around the mall all day (I still can’t believe that we stayed up so late even after all of that). I got a new watch:)…that was cool. Finally went over to your house at like 8 or something (spent the night…of course, lol:) ). Had tons-of-fun with the Pilates and Tae-bo (at freakish hours of the night, haha). Pilates with the beans, ketchup, and towels…wow…LOL. I had fun:D. I’m glad we had another sleepover before break was over. We actually got sleep cuz your sisters weren’t there to wake us up! yay! Then we spent the day making aprons...I’m happy cuz now I have a cute apron to wear (for the next time we bake cookies of course, haha). Oh yeah… I still have to put that picture of cookie baking up here…I will, soon. When I came home today we went on a “family bike ride” which was cool because we haven’t done that for a while. I got to ride my new bike (which is pretty much the same as my old bike, so I’m not sure why I got a new one, lol). I realized that I have rollerblades…I never actually got rid of them like I thought I had, so now I want to go rollerblading too. I’ve been cleaning the house and calling people about my “game night” on Thursday. (oh btw…anyone reading this: you are sooo invited…7 pm at my house on Thursday). I’m so happy cuz I got to talk to a lot of my friends whom I haven’t gotten to see since break started (i.e. Kristen, Scott, Aaron, Ely, Kyle, etc.)…fun fun:). So the rest of my week should be fun:). Break is going by so fast! But it’s been fun the whole time, so that makes me happy:D…it’s been one of the best Christmas breaks so far, so let’s keep it going that way, lol. Tomorrow (after running around shopping some more with mi madre) I’m probably hanging out with Diego. Wednesday I’m going to my little cousin’s b-day party and then I still want to go to the Buzz, so we’ll see what happens with that. Thursday is GAME NIGHT…woo hoo…that should be fun. I’M NOT WORKING THIS WEEK!!! WOOP DE DO! Friday is NEW YEARS! (I still have to talk to my daddy about being able to stay out all night…he should say yes, cuz my mom already did, but she gave me a “we’ll have to check with your father”…but then I have to figure out what to do about sleeping in the morning before driving home…hmm, we’ll see about that). So yeah, the week should be a BLAST…but I still have to do my stupid hw…argh…oh well, I’ll get it done at like midnight on Sunday, jk. I hope I’m not getting sick...I love you to death…I’m going to go eat and watch a movie…I’ll talk to you (you including anyone reading this too:) ). Love you bunches!~ Sarah :D (P.S. Have a great break everyone! I’ll see you guys all on Wednesday, Thursday and/or Friday, lol :D) (P.P.S. You and I need to go to Subway sometime this week:) ) (P.P.P.S. I want to go to Starbucks on New Years (sometime during the day) so that I am awake all night due to cafinne, lol:D...if anyone wants to go with me, let me know cuz Audra hates Starbucks, haha)
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