Update to life

*Hey Sarah* Wow! It has been a long time since I wrote to you on this diary thingy. Ok, where to start? I suppose San Francisco. I had an awesome time. Thanks for making the trip great. Of course we had a great time tho. We were in San Francisco together,(gosh I sound like we are in love!! lol) the weather was awesome and we had cash given to us to spend!! All great things to make a trip go smoothly. Well just a few things to remember: Alcatraz, being locked in the cells, pier 39 and getting my name drawn in cool letters and hunting for pearls, cable cars with the guy..(what was his name again? I forgot..) and the other cable car "running away" the BUSH MAN!!! Ahh....that had to be one of the funniest moments of the trip. I seriously was crying I was laughing so hard, and sure enough he gets me the best out of all of our group. Only natural right? China town, the plane(terbulance (sp? :-S)) scary. shopping, food, food and more food. With the exception of the lady at the bar the food was good. Too bad we didn't see any WHOLE fish with the eyes and everything huh? (I saw that last time I was there and it was bad. eewwww.) Spirit week. That was fun. Cowboy/western day just happened to fall on my b-day too. That was a cool coinkadink..haha :) Anywho, thanks for helping me solve my whole b-day issue(s). I am glad I allowed myself to have fun at movie night...even tho I was only wearing shorts and a t-shirt (and you cant forget my "cool" striped bummble bee socks..hehe) Of course I not only had a game on my birthday but also it rained!!! Both good things!! It turns out that my birthday was some what of a let down but I am able to talk myself through things like that so it was ok all and all. Of course, after that whole week of activities came Saturday. Homecomming!!! That was a great night. I have had a chance to read Diego and Stephen's diaries and they both are such typical boys. A mere sentence or blurp about hc and thats good for them. Unlike us girls who could write you a whole 5 paragraph essay on the whole nights happenings. Well only typical I suppose. Well I hope they both had as much fun as I did. It was kinda funny walking up to Stephen's house in a dress tho b/c when ever I go over I am always in jeans. It just so happened that we both had dresses similar but different. I really liked your dress and it was even better that not only did you like it too but you also found matching shoes...come on now, what are the odds of that happening? You were quite lucky to find them. Dancing at hc was fun, although that dj was not so good. Oh well, things did work out for the best. Thanks Stephen!! :) Halloween was fun..hope you had fun too. I was soo cold. I dont know what was wrong. You are always the one to be cold before me and somehow that was not the case. Weird huh? I am getting sick I just know it. Anyways, cosTUMES were fun too. You looked so cute Sarah!! I know that I got way to much candy and whats even worse is that I am going to eat it too. So I will probablly take it to school and give it to friends in classes. (Wes and Travis would be fun...like any of us need more candy in english tho? I think not. I have way too much fun in that class..eee.) (Actually today I was supposed to work on my mini research paper and instead I listened to Travis's ring tones, made jokes about Wes and how he was, and is, a shorty, basically did everything else BUT work on my paper. Sitting next to them has got to be a bad thing. Oh well. ) Friday at the Navajo Carnival was exciting. I can't beleive we decided that working the gold fish booth would be fun.. I thought I was going to die. Way too many kids in line for a fish. Gosh, dont they have toys to play with? I guess it is the whole power trip thing, giving a kid power over another living things life, is that morally right? I am not so sure about some of those kids. haha:) Most were so cute tho. Good thing we didnt end up working in the haunted house huh? I can not be scary, easily scared but not scary. Guess that is kinda a problem if I am supposed to scare other peeps huh? Oh and you cant forget our conversation in the parking lot about dunking my head in a fish tank and swimming. And the spanish vocab word for that that started with a z I think. I dont know, it was quite funny. Also watching Me, Myself and Irene. Well more like you watching it..Ya know I have yet to see the rest of that movie? lol. Hope you liked it along with that choclate huh. Yummy!! Well I am sure there are other things I should be doing (like my paper) right now other than typing to you now so I will go for now. See ya soon, Audra P.S. I dont know if I like that pic the best. Actually I like the goofy pic the best of all four of us. I dont know it is cute. We have to go over to Stephen's house later in the week to pics we want to have printed. Talk to you later about that tho. TTYL!!
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