Feeling: peeved
Hey there!!!! ;) Ok, so today was a pretty good day...concidering it was the first day back from break, a Monday AND it was raining.(ahh hair was totally messy...ooh well) Health Care was cool. We are starting clinical rotations (going to the hospital!! ahhh..real people who are sick, sad.) Should be fun tho and I should learn a lot. Yay! :) Now have Econ too. That seems cool though because we get to pick our own seats. (I know the littlest things amuse me..shhhh) Math....whats there new about that. sucky as usual. (btw, I was trying to call you so if you get the missed call anytime close to about 9 call me back por favor) Abby called me at about 8 and said Wes was playing her hermonica and they were about to start Math and wanted to see if I would like to come over and do it with them. BUT, you should be proud, I said no b/c I already had it done. GO ME!! Yay! Espanol (sorry no accent) boaring as usualy. ahhh.... English, senior research paper starting. more ahhhhhh.. After school I went to Sarah's house. MUSIC TIME!! I have REALLY wanted to do that for a while, just next time I have to bring my violin) We could both learn to play the piano!! Get really good and show others our new discovered talent. Yay! Looking at the stuff online about U of A was fun too. Kinda weird to be asking yourself if you will need an iron in Tucson huh? but ya know, ya need all the "essentials of life" in your dorm...hehe :) It is great that it has been raining as much as it has. God knows we need it. I luv the rain...and go figure, I live in Arizona..ironic? I think so...hehe :) Well now that I had my "to do" list down to just 1 thing it is back up to 7 now so I should be going and working on that. bye byes, Audra*
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I love the rain too:).

I totally got that missed call, lol.

It's kinda funny that you've been writing more entries than I have lately...I wrote one today, but you wrote one yesterday AND today, ooohhhh...jk ;)...I'm just making fun of you.

So yeah...I'll be seeing you tomorrow!

~Sarah ;D