High on life...haha

Audra~ Okay…you’d never believe what I did after school (while you were in 6th hour…poor baby)…okay since you are probably not guessing I’ll just tell you. I talked with Stalker-boy (I know I’m not supposed to associate with him, but it’s kinda hard since he used to be one of my good friends). We talked for like 20 minutes in the middle of the mall area (outside the 100 building with all the concrete and sun…yes my flip-flop tan line got worse…oh well). I guess nothing really important came from it, but I now have proof that he liked me a lot. So I thought I’d share this information with you since you care oh so much. We were actually talking about this girl who he likes now who all of a sudden Aaron Mason is going out with (which of course upset him a lot), but he’s friends with Aaron. He was saying how Aaron should have know that he (Sam) liked her (random Junior girl who I don’t know) because he was flirting with her for the whole past week how “we used to flirt” (direct quote…but I guess he didn’t realize that the flirting he is referring to was only one sided) oh well. He went on to say later in the story how he only flirts with people who he REALLY likes, so logically if you put two and two together you can get that he REALLY liked me. But I guess you already knew that, but I was just trying to convince myself that it wasn’t true. (kinda like how I’m trying to convince you of you know what…haha) So…moving on…I hope that you can come over after my class today. I can help you learn about the stuff for your healthcare test tomorrow (about the posterior and lateral whatever stuff…haha Stephen and Diego would with they were here). I am so lucky that those two tests weren’t today. Well the English one was, but it wasn’t for a grade (although I got an A on it…yay go me…good grade on the ungraded test and probably a horrible one on the Chem. test last Friday that is probably about 20% of my overall grade). I’m so glad that my Econ test was moved…although I would have done fine without studying. It’s your fault I didn’t study (I’m just kidding…it’s my fault cuz I talked online and then talked to you from 11:30 to 1…we need to sleep more...but it was an important conversation). Econ was really funny though today…wow. I have never had such an experience in a class before. We came into class, and Mr. Steffen was bent over the desk when he talked to us because he “didn’t feel good and bending over made him feel better” (I’m quoting a lot of people today…btw I am using parenthesis right now…stupid English terms). He went on to tell us this LONG, rambling story about how he bought a house over the weekend (yes…random…and kinda ironic that came up after our conversation yesterday) and now he doesn’t feel good, so he thinks he also is getting sick. After that he told us we could do whatever we wanted to, and then he disappeared. I started doing some other work or something and stopped paying attention. Later on in the class, some kids were having this discussion about whether index or mutual funds are more risky (cuz they thought it would be on the test). I made some comment, and then Mr. Steffen’s voice comes from nowhere: “Sarah has a really good point. Blah, blah, blah… (insert long lecture here)” We were all looking around to see where his voice was coming from cuz he couldn’t be seen. It turns out that he was laying face-down under his desk. It was the funniest thing (besides Dora the Explorer) that I have ever encountered in a class. We were all trying not to crack up (and Meredith was doing her laughing/chocking thing…that made it even funnier). Well I thought that’d amuse you. I’m glad that we now have a “plan”, now it’s just your job to do something (or else I will…haha…jk). I’ll do my share of it soon…but your part is way more fun (well for me at least…you should have fun too though). I’ll talk to you later about this. It’s funny that you started tutoring that kid yesterday, cuz that lady called me back today about starting the tutoring thing tomorrow. Now randomly we’re both tutors…how strange. I don’t know if I’m going to like this, but I’ll give it a try. I seem to be fine with helping you in math, but that’s probably cuz I love you, so I’m probably more patient (whereas this random girl might annoy me…I’ll try to be nice and understanding). Well we’ll see how that goes in the morning. This is getting extremely long…so I’ll end soon. Friday swing dancing would be really fun, so I hope we can convince them that they want to go (as long as they aren’t sick of us by now). I think that Diego does feel better…but you’re right, it’s sad to see him upset. Let me know if/when you have badminton on Wednesday so we can pick a place to go to lunch. You can’t go to TLL then, unless you go a bit later (cuz you want to see me…right?…of course you do!) Oh…another funny thing (sorry that this is getting longer)…Trevor called me last night, and he wanted to hang out on Friday (too bad that I’m already hanging out with you…and possibly Stephen and Diego). It was quite funny…I’ll tell you more about that later. Love, Sarah (P.S. I’m topless right now…haha:)…thought you’d care…jk)
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