a new year!

Hello all!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Wow. Its already 2005? Where does time go? The only answer to that question that I can tell ya is it just goes plain FAST! so enjoy it while you can. Another cool, random word for my "current mood" Frumpy, so I guess it means a girl or woman regarded as dull, plain, or unfashionable. Interesting. I picked it at random but actually it kinda fits me right now b/c I am sitting on my bed in pjs, no make-up, crazy hair, freezig and yeah...so feeling kinda plain....frumpy.. Last few days have been really fun!! I went to see my friend Wes play a gig. Hes amazing!! Game night at Sarah's was a lot of fun. I like games!! Mau was/is interesting. Good to see Sam, Lindsey (X2), Stephen (X2), Diego, Ursula, Chelsey and Kyle, Cayse and Abby...(I think thats all of us right?) Yeah. So it was fun to see ya all again. Hope your breaks finish well. Then.....dom dom dom...New Years!!! What a blast!!!! Thanks Lindsey for letting us come over to your house. I had so much fun. And met a couple of new people too. Very cool again! Its too bad we met some of these people senior year. BUT that just gives us the excuse to do more together now right? hehe :) 2005 will be the start of something new and fresh, Something so exciting and adventuresome I know I wont forget. Leaving and graduating from high schools just the start, of the long college route I am sure to embark. (kinda random but what can you do? hehe :) Top 5 New Years resolutions:(not in any order of importance tho) 1. get into better shape...(Sarah, sorry but you have to run with me now..haha)I heart u! 2. Do things with more people 3. Start playing the violin more 4. Take an active role with my sisters lives..(like going to the park and riding the train, having picnics and just hanging out!!) They're soo cute!! 5. LIVE LIFE!!!! Happy New Year all!! I truely hope each and every one of your new years goes GREAT!! Life...Love it..Live it. luv ya guys!!! Audra*
Read 5 comments
ahh new years/game night were amazing. your friends are so fun. im glad you had a good time at mi casa. hope to see you soooon.
happy new yearrr... you guys we rang it in together. that is way cute :)

c ya laterz.
holy crap. i think i jsut rezlized that you, sarah, are a senior. are you? bc u said on stephen's diary ur graudating this year. and i totally thought you were a junior. crazy.

I heart you too! and THANKS A LOT for making me go running two MORE times a week, lol...well it should be fun:D.(too bad that we couldn't go after all today)

I'll be seeing you quite a bit tomorrow (school=:(...seeing you=:D...so it all works, right? haha).

I like your resolutions (besides the first one of course, jk;) ). I still need to think of some other ones. I'll talk to you later!

Sarah ;D
I so just saw the commercial with the "What's New Pussy Cat?" song and the Santa holing the underwear...lol...wow, kinda sick.

~Sarah ;) (Eeewwwyyy)