Happy New Year!

Listening to: nada
Feeling: sluggish
Audra, This is going to be a short entry (for me, lol) since I’m going to be RIGHT NOW…haha. So last night was GREAT! My first New Years now without my family, and it was awesome. I am so glad to have been able to spend New Years with such great friends...all the cool people of course (whom I played Mau with until 7ish am…but you and Jenna are included anyway, lol)…I had a total BLAST! I saw American Pie for the first time…interesting movie…and Amalie…CUTE!!!...despite having to read subtitles (which you get used to, and I even seemed to be picking up some of the French :) ), the movie was totally adorable. I totally choked on my cider at midnight, and then choked even more when Matt made fun of me about it (how mean! jk;) ) We learned (more like taught ourselves, lol) how to play Mau…awesome game. You know a game must be pretty cool if you can play it for hours on end (in this case like 5). I think I have all the rules except the “have a nice day” still gets me…oh well…FUN:D! You stayed up way longer than I expected you to, so that was cool. I’m so glad that I wasn’t the only person still awake at 7 in the morning, lol…after all the chocolate there was no way I was going to sleep. We had breakfast before going to bed, and then I slept for like 2 hours before we went home. I didn’t sleep at home at all…but instead worked on hw (not all that cool, but quite necessary). I went to the mall with my mom and we had lunch…and then my family saw Meet the Faukers (it’s not as good as the first one, but it’s mostly filled with sex jokes, so if that’s what you like in a movie, then you’ll think it’s great). I’m soooooo going to bed now because we’re starting our New Year’s resolutions (our running twice a week together…thanks Audra, jk I heart you!) tomorrow and I am so tired that I am going to bed at 9 right now (I don’t know if I’ve ever done that before, jk). Last night/this morning was amazing! Happy New Year!~ Sarah :D (P.S. Audra, Diego, Stephen, Lindsey squared, Nisha, Jenna, and Matt…you guys are all great…I had a blast, so thank you all so much!)
Read 3 comments
yeah you are... way cool... uh huh. ;) last night was amazing. I had fun. And i have pictures :-D.
tehe that was the best time ever...and it was the first new year's i wasnt with my family either....go us!

we finally fell asleep! (so it was 7:30 but w/e) :)

welll we need to do something else fun soon because we never did our dirty dancing/home alone movie night or our supper club outing :(

plenty of time left in the year!


love nish
um last night rocked. im so glad you came! this new years = best ever. definetly.
