February 1

Feeling: alright
Happy 18th birthday Stephen!!! So now you all know about Audra’s new house (sooo sooo cool…since she’s been living on this piece of land that is worth a TON in a house that is worth pretty much $0 for a long time now…pretty much why NONE of you have seen her house). (read her entry below if you didn't yet ;) ) Now she’s going to live about 2 or 3 blocks from me instead of 4 or 5…YAY!!! lol I really didn’t think we could get much closer (distance wise), but I guess that’s wrong. Oh, and her house really is awesome…she’s not just bragging. Totally had a freaky realtor story on Sunday (this guy was having an open house on the house even after it was already sold?!?! weird…w/e)…kinda interesting…I pretty much chased down a realtor to talk to him (left Audra in front of the house and had one of her little sisters and my brother in the car)…and my brother kept honking the horn…well the guy must have thought we were nuts ;D lol…no better way to start your day, right? haha Balfour finally un-screwed-up my class ring today. They have now made 3 of the same ring…how in the world could you screw up that many times?!?! Oh well…they ended up giving us a discount because of the horrible customer service, so that was good I guess (even though I now have the correct ring like 3 months later). Oh, and of course it still has a problem…but we’re not even going to deal with that. lol Today was a suckyish day kinda…nothing in particular was bad…just a lot of little things I guess. It wasn’t a bad day, just not one of the better ones. I had two tests (already makes for not such a great day), I haven’t gotten much sleep lately, I couldn’t go to pole-vault b/c of my shin splints (I did talk to Charlie today though! I heart that kid…pretty much the only reason why I keep jumping for my school…Chris and Ricky are pretty funny too…and Flamer…well there’s not much to say about him, just look at the nickname, lol), we have now gotten to strike 3 (and I really don’t know if I even care), I was pissed off when I got home and I am now finally starting to get over it, and my grandma died a year ago from today (I was really close to her…so a lot of random crying bursts). I wore a pin that was hers on my belt today…I think I’m going to start doing that more often because it really is a cute pin, and it reminds me of her. Definitely ready for college…not necessarily ready for friends to move away (or to move away from my family)…but if we could just skip the hard part and go straight to September, that would be cool. I guess there isn’t really a way to skip 6 or 7 months, but I guess I really wouldn’t want to. That is so much of life…like 6 to 7 months ago was July and August, and soooo much has happened since then, so I’m sure that tons will happen between now and then. Life can be quite surprising. Something cool is happening tomorrow, and something else cool is happening Friday (maybe?)…so that’s good. Life just seems so slow right now…not all that much going on. Well stuff is happening (including research paper and everyday events), but nothing drastic. I guess I’m not necessarily going for something drastic, just some sort of change would be nice. Well there’ll be some sort of change tomorrow, but I’m not sure if that will count. I guess I’ll decide tomorrow. I guess this probably has sounded pretty negative (sorry)…so I’m going to end with 10 (yes 10, lol ;) ) positive things: 1) I have some pretty awesome friends :D 2) My research paper rough draft has been pushed back so it is now due Thursday (sleep! yes!) 3) The “cool thing” tomorrow 4) I almost have my life in order (so I don’t feel so frazzled)…this will be complete after Feb. 11 (when I turn in my paper) 5) Audra is moving (closer) and we are soooo painting her room 6) I have a date with Abby and Audra for Valentine’s Day 7) I have been gaining friends recently, not loosing them 8) I have some pretty cool hobbies (which I’m probably going to go do now instead of hw, lol) 9) Track is starting next Monday 10) I’m ALIVE!!! LOL Enough of the positiveness ;)… Muchos besos~ Sarah :D (Quote of the day: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle)
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FYI i adore you. im sorry about your grandma. personally, the days marking the death of my grandparents are two of the toughest in the entire year.

and idk if i know about the strikes...but maybe? anyway on my strike list im on like 17 billion. we should chat. 4.5 hours? lol.

love you,