I just got back from going to the Winter Courts Carnival. I didn’t think it would be all that much fun, but I turned out to be quite wrong. I won 2 fish!!! (they don’t have names yet) and Abby won one too, so Audra, Abby and I all went to Walmart to buy “fish stuff”…:D…we had a total blast. Any suggestions for the names of my new friends? (too bad that Dick and Pussy are taken already, lol…JK) Earlier Audra, her bother Devin and I went running (staying on top of the New Year’s Resolution ;)…for now… and then we went to the mall. I found a cool jacket! :) Fun fun… I have soooo much to get done this weekend, and I’m not really sure when I’ll be doing it. The rough copy of our research paper is due on Wednesday, so I probably should get that done (have I started writing 20 pages? um…of course not ;) lol). That should be interesting. Well I should be going to bed because I’m getting up at some freakishly early time to go to Habitat for Humanity with Audra, Sam and Devin (Audra’s brother)…so sleeping before I drive might be a good idea, lol. I just thought I’d update about the fish. ~Sarah :D (P.S. Audra- thank you for the really cute sticky notes ;) )
Read 3 comments
hey whats up, thnx for ur comment how have u been?
i gtg but ill ttyl
lol im still thinking.... haha you are awesome!

love nish
come back doll, i miss your updates.

and audra my love, i met people at unitown who know you! sweeet.

ook girlies, get updatin!
