Moving On

Listening to: Jack Johnson
Feeling: torn
So Friskie never came back... I got a new kitten though. She's orange and white and I named her Jack. [Yeah, I'm obsessed. Second movie out July 7, 2006 just so y'know.] Someone asked me if I liked my new kitten better than Friskie and I had a hard time actually answering. I mean, yeah I like the kitten A LOT but there's no comparing her to how attached I was to Friskie and vice versa. She really was an ama-zing cat. And it really was like losing a friend... three in one year. Considering my luck, or lack of it, in the past few months I'd say that number will increase by the end of December. perfect. I have one exam/two hours left of school and then I can say I am only 180 days [technically 175] away from finally leaving high school. FINALLY. I will be smiling as I leave the school building at 10:45 on Friday. This summer I decided I'm going to jog/eat right every day this summer until I'm satisfied with my appearance because I'm tired of the stares and no longer being able to fit into clothes that fit last year. Also because if you're unhappy with yourself than no one else could really ever be happy with you. I'm tired of being stubborn, unhappy and so introverted.
Read 11 comments
haha i would been like what the fuck are you doing!? yeah i know im still pretty pissed off. if i find out who stole it im gonna kick their fucking ass. but yeah anyways whatever picture u want rename it as comment_pic.gif or jpg. im not sure it matters so yeah.
Care? Of course I would care! I don't thik I could bear to lose touch with you again. Most definintely not.

Your new color scheme seems cheery. That makes the corners of my mouth turn up a little bit. What does that mean? Is that what a 'smile' is? What a rare anomaly a smile has become for me...

Anyway. Thank you for being here, being you, and promising not to disappear without at least a goodbye.
To people who read this: I need someone to upload pictures as my background image and head pic. for me because I can't do it since BellSouth [internet provider] doesn't let me upload pics on ANY website. I'd love you forever.
Thank you, Jess. Reading your comments (even when they don't "say anything") always makes me feel at least an eensy bit better, because I feel like you're one of the few people who actually "get it."

I'm still sorry about your kitty, that really has got to suck. But hey, at least you have a new feline friend to love. :)
friskey..cute sorry it didnt come back
oh gosh.. it bugs me when ppl say "oh yeah its just an aninal" i had a cat too, it ran away when i was like 6? but now i have a dog, spankyx3
wow jack johnson is amazing
if i can get a ride then ill go and see them in june also
I haven't forgotten about you, your diary used to be my favorite to read. How have you been? We haven't talked in forever!

Thanks for the compliment.

Hope your exams went well and I felt the same way when I was getting ready to be done with high school.

I'm learning the guitar so that's the important thing but I still am not any good but in due time I'll rock out.

I'm sorry about your cat again and your new kitten will grow on you. Hope it goes well and he/she seems cute.

♥ E
haha yep. your welcome