Sexual Innuendos night..(HAH! Yesh, I'm serious..)

Feeling: childish
Holy fuck! Yesh..I said H-O-L-Y because lets just say tonight was full of balls/dicks/penises/jacking off and SEX all joke after joke by me and John when we were at Cynthia's house and then after we got home Tom joined in on the thing and NONE of it was directed towards any of them except..Nick..Yesh, a 9 year-old..that..well fuck I told my mom I wouldn't tell anyone else..And I got to see Johnny Depp for the full 2 minutes today on this dateline thing for Entertainment Weekly's Top 10 entertainers of the year and he was number 3 and I just hugged a pillow and sat up in front of the tv and yesh, lets just say I screamed and made noises I don't think I will ever nor have I ever made..Bwahaha! So then Nicholas tells me that my boyfriend..(I told him it was Jack Sparrow..) was stupid so I asked him if he wanted to be my boyfriend and he said yes so now I have an awesome 9 year old boyfriend(he has downs by the way..not that it matters but he is probably the cutest little kid I have ever seen and he's actually one of the few that I can stand to be in a room with and let him hug me..) Bwahaha! And I'm sure no one cares and since I'm bored out of my mind I am going to do this survey that I gout out of Captain Jack Sparrow's mistress' diary... InFo. 01. name: -points- Read it yourself.. 02. single or taken: Reserved.. 03. sex: muchacha.. 04. b-day: October 22 05. sign: those things are so fucking stupid.. 06. siblings: 2 little brothers.. 07. hair color: Naturally-brown Dyed-black and soon to have chunks of red color.. 08. eye color: green 09. shoe size: Depends..I wear 10 or lower in sandals and then an 11 in shoes I think.. 10. height: 5' 4" ReLaTiOnShIpZ. 01. who are your best friends?: Arlene, Steven, Laura, Moneca..WOW..-gasp- ONLY FOUR??? Yeah, I have no friends.. 02. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No, what's the point? FaShIoN*StUfF. 01. where is your favorite place to shop: Hot Topic and PacSun but actually clothes I don't give a damn I just want plain t-shirts and jeans and I'm fuckin satisfied... 02. any tattoos or piercings: Would you like me to list all the things I WANT? I only have my ears pierced but tattoos and A LOT of piercings would be nice... SpEcIfIcZ. 01. do you do drugs?: I've tried a few and sniffed on some sharpies and white-out and rubber cement as a fucking joke..rather amusing actually.. 02. what kind of shampoo do you use?: At the moment it's that herbal essences fruit fusions stuff...the stuff smells good.. 03. what are you most scared of?: bugs, Mark, people trying to brainwash me, following what everyone else does.. 04. what are you listening to right now?: the radio since I'm too lazy to get up and get my CD's and then put them into my CD changers.. 05. who is the last person that called you?: My dad on Wednesday, which I don't have to complain about, the phone sucks major ass.. 06. where do you want to get married?: Who said I want to get married? 07. what would you change about yourself?: Too much things to fucking list that most people don't even know about me to begin with.. FaVz. 01. color: Black and Red 02. boys' names: Jenner, Armand, Lestat and Lydon 03. girls' names: Kia, Jacy, Kendall, Sedona 04. subjects in school: English and History..and Spanish is probably the easiest thing.. 05. sports: None, because softball has long ago faded away from my life.. HaVe | u | EvEr. 01. given anyone a bath?: My younger siblings and younger cousins..OoO! AND MYSELF! 02. smoked?:'s so fucking stupid and no one should even bother.. 04. made yourself throw up?: >.< 05. skinny dipped?: Yesh..once..stupidity is not exactly fun.. 06: ever been in love?: Love is fake..Love could never be blind because there was NEVER love..-sighs- What the hell is love? 07. pictured your crush naked?: Depends... 08. cried when someone died?: Well, uh.. 09. lied: Who the hell hasn't? Then when you find them let me ask them a question they will HAVE to lie about.. 10. fallen for your best friend?: No, because I have no friends.. 11. been rejected?: No because I never gave myself to anyone because it's a waste of my time.. 12. rejected someone?: Again..must I find the need to repeat myself? 13. used someone?: Sadly enough, I don't think I remember ever doing it.. 14. done something you regret?: I don't regret things..You live your lives and whatever the hell happens between my birth and death is something I brought upon myself...What's there to regret? If you do then you're just as sorry as any other person in this world.. CUrReNt. 01. clothes: my 'Hug my ducky' pj pants and black tank top and then my AWESOME baby army hat that's for ages 0-12 months that I received at Wal-mart today and haven't taken off head since then and my KICK ASS pink sunglasses John got me.. 02. make-up: Jack's.. 03. annoyance: How brothers..the radio for playing all the same fucking songs.. 04. smell: popcorn 05. favorite artist: Band? Too many.. 06. favorite group: I don't listen to groups..because I consider them bands.. 07. book you're reading: About to start Tale of the Body Theif 08. dvd in player: POTC 09. color of toenails: nails are newly painted black and I don't paint my toenails.. R | YoU. 01. understanding: No, not really..I care about myself and only myself..Yesh, and I'm able to admit to it.. 02. open-minded: Only if I choose to be.. 03. arrogant: At certain things.. 04. insecure: No, not really..I don't give a fuck what you have to say about me whether it be to me or else where..-shrugs- 05. interesting: You tell me.. 06. random: VERY.. 07. hungry: No, I ate tacos at Cynthia's mexican style since her lovely husband is Spanish.. 10. hard working: No, not really.. 11. organized: Only at school because your fucked if your not.. 12. healthy: Hell no.. 13. shy: Not as much as I used to be.. 14. difficult: I don't think so but then again I have been told otherwise.. 15. attractive: HAH! Probably not.. 16. bored easily: Oh..hell yesh.. 17. messy: Would you like to see my room?? 18. responsible: Not all the time.. 19. obsessed: JOHNNY DEPP..CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW..POTC...DUCKIES..Any of those sound familiar..-raises hand- OH YESH! THEY'RE ALL OVER YOUR ROOM.. 20. happy: No, too strong of an emotion for me to express.. 21. hyper: No, just overly weird and strange is the term for the way I act.. 22. trusting: You decide.. WhO | Do | YoU | WaNnA. 01. kill?: Dana..Mark..Melody..Kyle.. 02. get really wasted with?: Arlene..she's fucking awesome not high/drunk/stoned or any of that shit and then me and her together in the same that..-slaps knee- 03. get high with: Arlene, because again, me and her would have a hell of a good time.. 05. talk to online: Anyone who is willing to talk to me and CONTINUES to talk and not the gay stupid 'lol' and 'yea' after every line shit..-cough- 06. sex it up with: I think it is rather obvious.. RaNdOm. 01. in the morning i am: wanting to die before going back to school.. 02. love is: fake/never there/extinct..STUPID 03. i dream about: Everything and anything you could imagine.. 04. sexual preference: bi..if I was to care about sig. others.. WhIcH | Is | BeTteR. 01. coke or pepsi: Coca-cola 02. flowers or candy: I HATE flowers so I would much rather have candy..Although, if it were candy I would want chocolate.. 03. tall or short: Does it really matter?? OpPoSiTe | SeX 01. what do you notice first: The clothes.. 02. last person you slow danced with: Dancing is for wimps who have nothing better to do.. 03. worst question asked?: THIS ONE! ....I think I already answered this survery before...-tilts head- Well my memory is fucked up so I won't even know..Anyway, that was what I did to pass the time I have left online.. ...::...POTC Quote of the Day(Again..)...::... 'Two men can't sail this ship..You'll never make it out of the bay..' 'Son, I'm Captain Jack Sparrow...Savvvy?' ..Again I know that one part is wrong but I'm about to go sleep to get ready for tomorrow and I get to open my lovely presents..Happy Early lovely Christmas to myself! -bows-
Read 3 comments
That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails; That's what the ship needs. But what a ship is... what the Black Pearl really is, is freedom. -Captain Jack Sparrow

I <3 Johnny Depp. He should wear eye liner/mascara whatever all the time. I wanna be a pirate :) . He got voted Sexiest Man of the Year (i think that was the name they gave it) in People magazine.
Have a nice day.
wow half of my comment def. got cut off. It said I <3 Johnny Depp. He should wear eye liner/mascara all the time and I want to be a pirate :). He got voted Sexiest Man of the Year in People magazine.
Have a nice day.
ok for some reason it's not letting me type what i wanted to say so I'll just forget about it. I feel like an idiot now. wow that's def. really really strange.