Someone's going to die.

Listening to: Less than Jake
Feeling: angry
FUCKNUTTERS! I am so pissed at stupid ass Cori right now and her shitty ass lies and excuses and her fuckin brother DONNELL decides it's cool to say that he lost the 20 bucks I left at their house and then turn around and say 'OH NO! I just used it for some lunch.' WELL MAYBE IF HE WAS TO FUCKING STOP EATING I COULD STILL HAVE MY 20 BUCKS! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..sorry for all you people who have no frickin idea what I just said which is just about everyone but I'm sorry but if I don't find a pillow or a brother soon I'm going to just start screaming because now I had to take this quiz in Math today and it was easy and shit but I don't do well with stuff that wasn't said and repeated and I remember. Geometry can kiss my ass just like my stupid fuckin math teacher who NEVER stops talking and laughing and answering all the fuckin weiro's questions! But at least it's the last class of the day and I can at least look forward to the oh so great trip on the bus. I hate the fuckin people on there too where all they complain about is their stupid 'boyfriend' problems and oh I don't know there's one EVERY FUCKIN WEEK I really don't want to hear it and then about their stupid flag twirling shit that they do I just want to strangle them all or something. It's getting to the last point and I'm going to go throw my stuffed animals at the wall or something. Sorry for all the cussing that was kind of over the limit there but what the hell can you expect? I'm so fuckin pissed right now that the only way that I feel better...Let's just say when I'm pissed a cuss a lot ok? more next entry and sorry it was so long to even write in here the pics turned out AWESOME from the whole Javy expierence too. Not much love over here.
Read 2 comments
oh man i love that pic, johnny depp is SO HOT
your quote...wheres it from? cuz its like the quote from girl interrupted...but different.